OPDT  //  Research Report 2018/2019

General overview

During the reporting period, 1 March 2018 to 28 February 2019, the Trust met regularly to discuss and decide about matters that will benefit the oilseeds industry and specifically sunflower, soybean, groundnut and canola.

During the period under review, R24 556 071 was approved in respect of research projects, provisions, technology transfer and information support and advisory services. The amount of R24 556 071 was allocated as follows:

Current Projects / Continuation Applications

Approved R4 309 706
Under consideration R1 873 572

New Applications

Approved R165 750
Under consideration R2 202 085

Transformation Projects

Approved R1 623 612
Under consideration R7 040 076

Joint Project Proposals

Approved R49 555
Under consideration R509 345


Approved R3 800 000
Under consideration R750 000

Management of Research Projects

R2 232 370

The administrative budget for the Trust amounted to R1 005 500 and the administrative budget for the Oilseeds Advisory Committee, Research Priority Committee, Forums and administration amounted to R5 805 276.

The total budget approved for the 2018/2019 financial year therefor amounted to R31 366 847.

The above-mentioned amount includes the following bursaries approved:

  • Improved nitrogen fixation in soybean under water deficit conditions.
    Ms TR Kibido, University of Pretoria, PhD
  • The biological control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib) de Bary on sunflower using Trichoderma harzianum.
    Ms AJ Moody, University of KwaZulu-Natal, M.Sc
  • The chemical efficacy of Celest XL, Ethaboxam, Mendestrobin and Verno against Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Pythium spp. on soybean in South Africa.
    Mr BA Mahlangu, University of Pretoria, M.Sc (new application)
  • Conservation Agriculture in the sandy soils of the Swartland.
    Ms KJ Truter, Stellenbosch University, M.Sc (new application)
  • "Effek van plantpopulasie, groeiklas en rywydte op opbrengs van sojabone in die Noordoos-Vrystaat."
    Mr JP van Zyl, University of the Free State, M.Sc (new application)

During the reporting period the following important matters were addressed by the Trust:

  • The development and compilation of a Risk Analysis;
  • Attention was given to the King IV Report in order to align corporate governance matters;
  • Support for the Soybean Breed and Technology levy and funding in respect of legal expenses;
  • Discussions with the Portfolio Managers, Foord and Old Mutual regarding the Steinhoff shares included in the respective portfolio's;
  • Discussion regarding the NAMC Transformation Guidelines and possible implementation of applicable sections of the guidelines.