Dr E Briedenhann (Chairperson)
Representative of the manufacturers of balanced animal feeds
Mr JP Botma (Chairperson)
Representative of the South African Sunflower Forum
Mr M Jacobsz
Representative of the business sector dealing with oilseeds
Mr I Motlhabane
Representative of the developing oilseeds producers
Mr P Lovelace
Representative of the oilseeds processors industry
Mr P Burger
Representative of labour involved in the oilseeds industry
Ms SE Rudman
Representative of the consumers union
Mr JA du Plessis
Representative of the South African Soybean Forum
Mr R Fourie
Representative of commercial producers of oil seeds
Ms A Botha
Representative of the South African Groundnut Forum
In terms of the provisions of the Constitution the OAC must elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman annually before 31 December from their own ranks.
During the October 2019 meeting Dr E Briedenhann and Mr JP Botha were elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the OAC, respectively.