Addendum II
A. Particulars of the Researcher
Name of the institution
Current position
Qualifications (field of study, institution, year)
Research experience to date
Recent publication list
B. Detail of proposed project
Names and relevant detail of the project
Project planning document – as an addendum
This document should include:
- Description of the problem and motivation for the research.
- Aims (measurable, linked to a time schedule).
- Impact of the anticipated result.
- Detailed budget (for the proposed duration of the project).
- The budget should include reference to, and detail of, own (institutional) funding.
- Relevant literature review.
- Plan of action and procedures. This should include statistical analysis where applicable.
- Methodology (vehicle) for technology transfer.
- Detail of infrastructure at institution applicable to the application.
- Economic viability of the project. This should include:
- Indication of chances for success.
- Economic justification for the project.
- Relevant references.