General info on soybean cultivation
Growth stages of soybeans
Brian and Darren discuss types of soybeans and the different growth stages of soybeans – a broad leaf crop – starting with the cotyledons (seed halves feeding the new plant) and initial unifoliate leaves and then on to the trifoliate leaves with growing points at each trifoliate leaf and the root system.AG PHD
Potassium deficiency in soybean
Dr Carrie Laboski shows the effects of potassium deficiency on soybean in the field. Trials indicate differences between potassium, phosphorus and combined phosphorus and potassium responses in plant height, pod and bean number and size.UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN EXTENSION SERVICE
Benefits of and tips for no-till farming
Dave Deken interviews Jay Franklin and learns why he has been no-till farming for 25 years in eastern Oklahoma. Chad Godsey – OSU Cropping Systems Specialist – also gives some tips and talks about soil structure, organic matter, promoting good drainage, new management tools involved.SUNUPTV
Managing soybean water stress
Irrigation, a no-till system and early planting can help farmers manage soybean water stress. The sooner the plant canopy closes the better as evaporation from the soil itself is reduced. Jim Specht explains how reduced water evaporation can increase yields.JIM SPECHT