
SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 11 February 2021 at 10:00 by means of a virtual platform (MS Teams)

  1. Opening

    The meeting was opened by the Chairperson, Ms A Botha with prayer.

  2. Welcome

    The Chairperson welcomed all present to the first meeting of the Groundnut Forum for 2021. She reminded the members that the forum's Terms of Reference will apply for the duration of the meeting.

  3. Attendance


    Ms A Botha Chairperson
    Dr E Briendenhann OAC
    Mr G Bezuidenhout Landbouweekblad
    Mrs P Campbell Department of Health
    Ms M Delport BFAP
    Mr L de Kock Roba Foods
    Mr H Engelbrecht PPECB
    Mr M Fonseca GroCapital
    Ms W Haasbroek SGS
    Mr N Hawkins SAGIS
    Mr RW Higgs Triotrade
    Mr N Ismail Bureau Veritas (M&L Laboratory Services)
    Ms C Jordaan SGS
    Ms R John Bureau Veritas (M&L Laboratory Services)
    Dr C Joubert NAMC
    Mr G Keun Chief Executive Officer
    Mr H Lazarus LB Nuts
    Ms C Laubscher RCL Foods
    Mr C Louw Grain SA
    Ms W Louw SAGL
    Mr V Mapfumari DAFF
    N Masoka SAGRA
    Ms M Mattsson C. Steinweg Bridge
    Dr N Mnonopi PPECB
    Ms P Mondhlane
    Ms L Muller Triotrade
    Mr R Nerwich Botnim Trading (Pty) Ltd
    Mr C Nortjé GWK
    Mr C Opperman LEAF Services
    Ms H Ottermann BFAP
    Ms G Phekani Milele Group Pty Ltd
    Mr T Prinsloo ARC Grain Crops Institute
    Me A Ramkissoon Bureau Veritas (M&L Laboratory Services)
    Mr P Sanford FR Waring (Pty) Ltd
    Mr B Schultz SAGIS
    Mr A Snyman GWK
    Mr R Snyman Peanutworx (Pty) Ltd
    Mr W Snijman ARC Grain Crops Institute
    Dr S Steenkamp ARC-GCI
    Ms L Swart SGS
    Mr A Theron PRF
    Mr G van der Burgh BFAP
    Mr L van der Walt Grain SA
    Mr K van Huysteen SANSOR
    Mr N Wegner PPECB
    Mr A Visser Golden Peanut
    Ms M du Preez OPDT/OAC


    Mr R Beukes DALRRD
    Ms M Scheepers DALRRD
    Mr G Bruwer Grain SA
    Mr G Heyns SACTA
    Dr M Mostert Precision Oil Laboratories
  4. Personalia

    The Forum conveys its deepest condolences to family and friends of SAGIS on the tragic passing of Mr Jaco van Zyl, on 19 January 2021. Furthermore, congratulations were also conveyed to Mr L van der Walt on his engagement.

  5. Finalisation of agenda

    The agenda was accepted with the addition of:

    • Item 9.2 – Germination Laboratories
  6. Approval of minutes

    With a few small corrections noted, the minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2020 were approved as a true reflection of the proceedings, and the Chairperson thanked the staff responsible for the accurate recording of the discussions.


    1. That the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 28 October 2020, be approved.


    2. That the approved minutes of 28 October 2020 be published on the OPDT/OAC website after amend­ments have been made.

      Ms Du Preez

  7. Matters arising from the minutes

    1. Producer Interaction, Information and Events

      1. Annual Farmer Day/Road Show

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson mentioned that the annual roadshow that was planned for the end of January 2021 did not take place due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic's restrictions and therefore been postponed.

        Furthermore, the Chairman mentioned that the survey with regards to GMO groundnuts with the larger companies as well as the well-known import and export companies will be part of the Groundnut Web study that is currently under consideration by the Oilseeds Industry. This matter will be kept on the agenda.


        1. That it be noted that the survey with regards to GMO groundnuts with the larger companies as well as the well-known import and export companies will be part of the Groundnut Web study that is currently under consideration by the Oilseeds Industry. This matter will be kept on the agenda.

          Mr Keun

      2. Transparent Pricing and Market Information

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson mentioned that the document "Transparent Pricing and Market Information" is still work in progress and will be distributed to the forum members for comments and discussion.


        1. That a draft document regarding the transparent pricing and marketing information will be distributed to the forum members for comments and discussion.

          Mr Keun

    2. Tariffs and Levies

      1. Import Tariffs

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        Notice was taken of the contents of the document "ITAC letters dated 18 January 2021 concerning the Import Tariffs" attached as Annexure C to the agenda.

        The Chairperson gave an overview of the progress on the tariff applications (Roasted Groundnuts and Peanut Butter) that were submitted to ITAC. The closing date for public comments is 12 February 2021. Hilton and Lambert indicated that after the closing date for public comments the process will take approximately 6 months or longer and that no progress will be reported by ITAC during this period. The Chairperson thanked the members for their contributions in this regard.

        Feedback from ITAC will only be communicated to the forum members when it becomes available.


        1. That feedback from ITAC on the tariff applications (Roasted Groundnuts and Peanut Butter) will only be communicated to the forum members when it becomes available.

          Mr Keun

      2. Breeding and Technology Statutory Levy

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson gave a brief overview of the previous discussions about the breeding and technology statutory levy.

        During the discussion the following arguments were put on the table:

        • That the idea around technology levy is to bring in new technology and to offer support where needed;
        • That the involvement of the ARC in the management of the statutory levy must be indicated; and
        • That different scenario regarding the support of the statutory levy and also the safety of the funds be discussed before a final decision is made.

        After a detailed discussion, it was decided that the actions towards the breeding and technology statutory levy will be considered as discussions progress and become clear in the larger strategy going forward.


        1. That the actions towards the breeding and technology statutory levy will be considered as discussions progress and become clear in the larger strategy going forward.

          Mr Keun

    3. Generic Marketing

      1. South African Delegation to Japan

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson suggested that the matter should remain on the agenda and be revisited once the industry has addressed some of the issues discussed in the larger industry and are once again in a position to make responsible and relevant presentations to the international arena.


        1. That the matter should remain on the agenda and will be revisited once the industry has addressed some of the issues discussed in the larger industry and are once again in a position to make responsible and relevant presentations to the international arena.

          Mr Keun

      2. Industry Quality Brand

        (Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        Since this topic might be influenced by upcoming industry discussions, the Chairperson requested that the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.


        1. That the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.

          Mr Keun

    4. Industry Structure and Representation

      1. Operational Co-ordinating Position

        (Resolution 7.7.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/07/2020)

        Notice was taken of the contents of the document "Operational Co-ordinating Position" attached as Annexure D to the agenda.

        After a brief overview, the Chairperson suggested that the matter should remain on the agenda and be revisited once the way forward with an operational co-ordinating position, including consideration of effective structures within other similar industries, has been finalised. The Chairperson requested that the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.


        1. That the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.

          Mr Keun

      2. Industry Consultation, Collaboration and transparency

        Notice was taken of the contents of the document "Industry Consultation, Collaboration and transparency" attached as Annexure E to the agenda.

  8. Industry information and marketing aspects

    1. Research

      1. GAP Audits

        (Resolution 9.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson suggested that the matter be held in abeyance until further action or consultation is required through industry mandate.


        1. That the matter be held in abeyance until further action or consultation is required through industry mandate.

          Mr Keun

      2. Leaf Services

        (Resolution 9.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson mentioned that a presentation was done by Leaf Services on 1 February 2021 and that their formal plan be gazetted on 5 February with a 30-day window for public comments. The Chairperson suggested that the current Leaf Services presentation and feasibility study be circulated to the forum members.

        Feedback with regards to Leaf Services will be communicated to the forum members.


        1. That the current Leaf Services presentation and feasibility study be distributed to the forum members.

          Mr Keun

    2. Industry Information

      1. Crop and Area Estimates

        (Resolution 9.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The contents of the document "Crop and Area Estimates" included in the agenda as Annexure F were noted.

        Forum members commented on the rainfall the past few weeks in the production areas such as the North West, the Free State, and the Limpopo. With the current wet conditions, they expressed concern about diseases and insects because it is impossible to spray.

      2. SAGIS: General feedback and market information

        The contents of the document included in the agenda as Annexure G were noted.

        Notice was taken of the presentation of Mr Hawkins in respect of the SAGIS, general feedback, and market information.

        The Chairperson undertakes to write a letter to SARS with regards to major discrepansies in the roasted groundnut price that's been reported on their website. Furthermore, the effect of the recent large fluctuations in the Rand/Dollar exchange rate, and the effect on Rand price trends will also be brought to SARS's attention. This information is important in relation to the pending import tariff applications.


        1. That a letter be written to SARS with regards to the roasted groundnut price that's been published.


        2. That the problem with the Rand/Dollar exchange rate also be brought to SARS's attention.


      3. PPECB Aflatoxin report

        Notice was taken of the presentation of Mr Engelbrecht in respect of the PPECB Aflatoxin report, general feedback.

        The Chairperson undertook to write a letter that all the laboratories that are involved with aflatoxin testing to investigate the possibility of collaboration in the supply of similar reports or information to industry.


        1. That the laboratories that are involved with aflatoxin testing be requested to make their results available to PPECB to enable them to give more accurate feedback to the forum members.


    3. Research and Technology

      1. Feedback on Cultivar Evaluation Project

        (Resolution 11.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The contents of the document "Cultivar Evaluation Project" included in the agenda as Annexure H.

        After Mr De Kock's feedback on the Cultivar Evaluation Project, he mentioned that they are experiencing a problem with the analysing of the trial results and there is a need for professional assistance. The Chairperson undertook to discuss the matter with role players in the industry.


        1. That the Chairperson undertakes to speak to the necessary people in the industry to get professional assistance for the farmers with analysing of the trial results in future.


      2. Collaboration and Support: ARC-Groundnut Section/Division

        (Resolution 11.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        Notice was taken of the contents of the document "Collaboration and support: ARC Groundnut Division" attached as Annexure I to the agenda.

        Feedback in this regard will be communicated to the forum members.


        1. That feedback will be communicated to the forum members at the next meeting regarding the Collaboration and Support: ARC-Groundnut Section/Division.

          Mr Keun

      3. Peanut Smut

        (Resolution 11.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2020)

        The Chairperson mentioned that she had a discussion with Department of Plant Health regarding the evaluation or requirements of seed in relation to peanut smut. According to the information available, Peant Smut is not currently monitored for seed or product imported to South Africa.

        It was again brought to the forum members' attention that peanut smut can further spread through the 2nd hand, on-farm use of bags in which contaminated groundnuts were imported. It is suggested that the bags must be destroyed and not re-used to prevent the spread of peanut smut.

        After a detailed discussion, it was decided that the necessary precautions must be communicated to the Industry to prevent peanut smut to come into South Africa.

        Mr Van Huysteen from SANSOR undertakes to work together with the Chairperson with regards to the solution to prevent peanut smut to come into South Africa.


        1. That the necessary precautions be communicated to the Industry to prevent peanut smut to come into South Africa.


        2. That Mr Van Huysteen from SANSOR together with the Chairperson looking at solutions to prevent peanut smut to come into South Africa.

          Mr Van Huysteen

  9. Additional matters

    1. Virtual International Forum, April 28-30, 2021

      Notice was taken of the contents of the document "Virtual International Forum, April 28-30, 2021" attached as Annexure J to the agenda.

    2. Germination laboratories

      Mr Visser referred to the time lapse before germination results are received. After discussion of the matter, it was suggested that the list of the laboratories doing germination testing be distributed to the forum members.


      1. That the list of the laboratories doing germination testing on groundnuts will be circutated to the forum members.


  10. Meeting dates 2021

    The next meeting of the SA Groundnut forum is scheduled for 21 July 2021.

  11. Adjournment

    There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11h45.