SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 13 February 2020 at 10:00 at the offices of the Oilseeds Industry, 49 River Road, Woodmead
Mr G Keun opened the meeting with prayer.
The Chairperson welcomed all present to the meeting of the Groundnut Forum. She extended a special welcome to Dr C Joubert from the National Agricultural Marketing Council and Mr L Botha from Hilton Lambert.
She reminded the members that the forum's Terms of Reference will apply for the duration of the meeting.
Ms A Botha Chairperson Dr E Briendenhann OAC Mr L Botha Hilton Lambert Mr T Clark RCL Foods Mr L De Kock Roba Foods Mr RW Higgs Triotrade Mr TG Jansen C Steinweg Bridge Dr C Joubert NAMC Mr G Keun Chief Executive Officer Ms W Louw SAGL Ms Mangena PPECB Mr Masoka SAGRA Mr R Mommsen C Steinweg Bridge Dr Mnonopi PPECB Mr GC Nortje GWK Mr P Sanford FRW Mr W Snijman ARC Grain Crops Institute Mr L van der Walt Grain SA Mr G van Wyk VGM Miss I Vaughan Tiger Brands Mr A Visser Golden Peanut Mr CJ Wegner PPECB Apologies
Ms Beukes DALRRD Mr H Engelbrecht PPECB Mr N Hawkins SAGIS Mr S Heilbron PPECB Mr H Lazarus LB Nuts Ms L Muller Trio Trade Ms M Scheepers DALRRD Mr K van Huysteen SANSOR Mr A van Rensburg Tiger Brands Personalia
The Chairperson congratulated Mr Van der Walt with achieving his Masters Degree.
Finalisation of agenda
The agenda was accepted, with the addition of:
- Item 10.2 – Quality Standards for high versus low oleic groundnuts
- Item 10.3 – Food Business Operator requirements for primary producers
- Item 10.4 – Peanut Smut
Approval of minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 28 October 2019 were approved as a true reflection of the proceedings, and the Chairperson thanked the staff responsible for the accurate recording of the discussions.
- That the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 28 October 2019, be approved.
Forum MembersMatters arising from the minutes
Strategic Industry Plan
The Chairperson gave a short overview of the Strategic Industry plan and mentioned that the document is updated once a year during the October meeting.
Groundnut Symposium
The Chairperson mentioned that the matter in respect of the Groundnut Symposium to be kept on the agenda.
Farmers' Day / Road trip
(Resolution and of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
Notice was taken of the document, OPDT/OAC Bursary students from 2007 to 2019, attached as Annexure B.
During the previous meeting, issues were identified that required attention and research:
- Distributing feedback on research to producers
No discussion. - Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
The Chairman suggested that an informal survey with regards to GMO groundnuts will be conveyed with the larger companies as well known import and export companies. - Study on the price of Groundnuts
Dr Joubert mentioned that National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) do a lot of price monitoring on which they bring out a quarterly report and that Groundnut is not part of the report. He further mentioned that they also do Farm-to-Retail Price spread sheets and suggested that they could look at the system if they receive a formal request from the forum.Mr Keun recommended that the matter be referred to the Research Priority- and the Oilseeds Advisory Committees.
The Chairperson said that feedback would be communicated at the next meeting.
- Problems with Nematodes
The Chairperson mentioned that Dr Steenkamp from the ARC is currently busy with a research project on nematodes.Mr Keun suggested that Dr Steenkamp and other researchers working on nematode research be requested to do popular articles for the Oilseeds Focus and SA Grain magazines.
- Interaction of the large companies in Farmers' days
The Chairperson mentioned that large companies would be requested to interact in future farmer's days as required from the farmers during the road trip that took place from 8 to 10 October 2019. - Wind erosion
The Chairperson mentioned that there is currently no information available with regards to wind erosion and suggested to obtain more information from farmers.The Chairperson reported that during the Grain SA Groundnut meeting, it was requested that the farmers' day/road trip be held once a year during October and also to include developing farmers.
The members of the forum are in agreement with the suggestion from the Grain SA Groundnut meeting.
- That an informal survey with regards to GMO groundnuts will be conveyed with the larger companies as well as well known import and export companies.
Mr Keun
Members - That the matter regarding groundnut price indication by the NAMC will be referred to the Research Priority and the Oilseeds Advisory Committees and feedback will be provided at the next meeting.
Mr Keun - That Dr Steenkamp and other researchers working on nematode research will be requested to do popular articles for the Oilseeds Focus and the Grain SA magazines.
Mr Keun - That large companies would be requested to interact in future farmer's days as required from the farmers during the road trip that took place from 8 to 10 October 2019.
Mr Keun - That more information be obtain from farmers regarding wind erosion.
Mr Keun - That the farmers' day/road trip be held once a year during October and also to include developing farmers.
Mr Keun
- Distributing feedback on research to producers
LEAF services
(Resolution 7.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that no feedback was received as yet. It was decided to keep the matter on the agenda.
- That progress related to LEAF Services/SGS, be communicated to the forum members.
Mr Keun
- That progress related to LEAF Services/SGS, be communicated to the forum members.
Tariff codes on blanched groundnuts and peanut butter
Import tariffs
(Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
The Chairperson gave an overview of the status tariff applications to be submitted to ITAC.
Mr Botha gave feedback on the work done by Hilton Lambert on the import tariff applications to ITAC.
Mr Botha mentioned that support letters from industry role-players are very important and should be submitted with the tariff applications to ITAC. Once all the documents required are finalised, Hilton Lambert will be in a position to send the application to ITAC by middle March, and from there, it will take 8 to 9 months for completion.
Feedback will be communicated to the forum members regarding the progress with the import tariff application to ITAC via Hilton Lambert.
- That progress with regards to the import tariff application to ITAC will be communicated to the forum members.
Mr Keun
- That progress with regards to the import tariff application to ITAC will be communicated to the forum members.
GAP Audits
(Resolution 7.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that no feedback was received on the proposed GAP guidelines that were some time ago sent for comments to members.
After a brief discussion, it was determined that this issue is currently not a major priority, possibly due to lower plantings during the previous season. The consensus was that the matter should remain on the agenda but stand over until the need arise for further action or consultation. Should any feedback regarding the proposed GAP guidelines be received in the meantime, appropriate action will be considered and communicated to the forum members.
- The matter stands over until further action or consultation required through industry mandate.
Mr Keun
- The matter stands over until further action or consultation required through industry mandate.
Japanese delegation visit
(Resolutions 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
A proposal was made that a South African delegation should participate in the Peanut Day in Japan held annually during November.
The Chairperson undertook to find out whether a South African delegation will be welcome to take part in the said day.
Feedback will be communicated to the forum members.
- That more information be obtained on whether a South African delegation will be allowed to participate in the Peanut Day in Japan that is held annually in November and feedback will be communicated to the forum members.
Mr Keun
- That more information be obtained on whether a South African delegation will be allowed to participate in the Peanut Day in Japan that is held annually in November and feedback will be communicated to the forum members.
Import: Quality and Aflatoxin Control
(Resolution and of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10//2019)
The Chairperson mentioned that no feedback had been received from the Department of Health and requested that the item remains on the agenda.
- That the Department of Health be requested to comment on possible procedures in respect of border post imports.
Mr Keun - That as soon as feedback had been received from the Department of Health, the way to handle the matter will be considered.
Mr Keun
- That the Department of Health be requested to comment on possible procedures in respect of border post imports.
Aflatoxin Testing
(Resolution of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28//10/2019)
The Chairperson reported that the necessary quotations, to enable a funding application to the OAC, have been requested for a proficiency evaluation regarding Aflatoxin testing at the PPECB, Mérieux NutriSciences and Bureau Veritas Laboratories, The National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) will independently conduct this evaluation and once the confidential test results have been received, and based on the outcome thereof, the matter will be evaluated and further action or communication be determined.
Feedback on the Aflatoxin testing will be communicated to the Forum members.
- That once the test results for the Aflatoxin testing have been received and evaluated, feedback will be communicated to the forum members and further action, if need, discussed.
Mr Keun
- That once the test results for the Aflatoxin testing have been received and evaluated, feedback will be communicated to the forum members and further action, if need, discussed.
Groundnut Grading (Farmer Stock Guidelines)
(Resolution 10.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
With reference to the current project to update farmer stock grading guidelines, the Chairperson mentioned that during a previous meeting, it was suggested that both the 6% and 7% moisture content maximum standard for farmer stock grading purposes would be kept in the newly proposed standard for contracting parties to decide on which standard to apply.
Mr Wegner raised his concern about the 6% and 7% moisture content and requested that a decision should be made on only one moisture content standard for grading purposes that will be ideal for the industry.
After a detailed discussion, it was decided that it would be ideal to use a moisture content of 7% for groundnut grading purposes. It was again made clear that these are only guidelines and not a regulatory requirement and as such primary producers and their buyers may still agree on different or additional contractual standards.
- That it was decided it would be ideal to use the moisture content of 7% for farmer stock groundnut grading purposes.
Mr Keun
- That it was decided it would be ideal to use the moisture content of 7% for farmer stock groundnut grading purposes.
Operational co-ordinating position
The Chairperson requested that the matter stand over to be discussed at the next forum meeting.
- That the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.
Mr Keun
- That the matter be held in abeyance for discussion at the next forum meeting.
Industry information and marketing aspects
Crop and area estimates
Notice was taken of the document "Crop and Area Estimates" attached as Annexure C to the agenda.
SAGIS: General feedback and market information
Notice was taken of the SAGIS Monthly return information attached as Annexure D and as well as the documentation tabled during the meeting.
Supply and Demand Information: NAMC
(Resolution 8.3.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
Dr Joubert from the NAMC give a detailed presentation on the background of the NAMC and the request for monthly statistics on the groundnut industry. After a detailed discussion, a decision was made by the forum members that there was no need for monthly statistics on the groundnut industry at the moment.
Mr Keun mentioned that the decision could be revisited at a later stage if there was any change in the industry.
- That currently there is no need for supply and demand information in respect of groundnuts.
Mr Keun
The Chairperson, Ms Botha left the meeting due to a family emergency and Mr De Kock took over as Chairperson for the duration of the meeting.
- That currently there is no need for supply and demand information in respect of groundnuts.
SA Groundnut Forum: Terms of Reference
Notice was taken of the document, SA Groundnut Forum: Terms of Reference attached as Annexure E.
Research Projects: 2019/2020 financial year
Notice was taken of the document, Research Projects: 2019/2020 Financial Year, attached as Annexure F.
Feedback on cultivar evaluation project
Mr Snijman gave feedback on the planting of the cultivar evaluation trials and that everything was on track.
Breeding and seed propagation
(Resolution 9.3.1 the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/10/2019)
Mr De Kock mentioned that feedback would be communicated to the forum members at the next meeting.
- That feedback will be communicated to the forum members at the next meeting regarding te breeding and seed propagation matter.
Mr Keun
- That feedback will be communicated to the forum members at the next meeting regarding te breeding and seed propagation matter.
Bambara Groundnut, Prof H Schönfeldt, University of Pretoria
(Resolution off the Oilseeds Advisory Committee minutes of 31/10/2019)
Notice was taken of the document, Bambara Groundnut, attached as Annexure G.
After a discussion of the Bambara Groundnut project proposal, it was decided that the request for funding was not approved.
- That the request for funding of the project proposal, Bambara Groundnut, was not approved.
Mr Keun
- That the request for funding of the project proposal, Bambara Groundnut, was not approved.
Studies on the use of biocontrol agents on Groundnuts to control Aspergillus spp and other soil pathogens, Prof M Laing, UKZN
(Resolution 9.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 28/102019 and resolution of the Research Priority Committee minutes of 16/01/2020)
Notice was taken of the document, Studies on the use of biocontrol agents on Groundnuts to control Aspergillus spp and other soil pathogens, attached as Annexure H.
Mr Keun mentioned that Prof Laing would be requested to write an article for the Oilseed Focus as well as to do a presentation at the next Groundnut Forum meeting.
- That Prof Laing will be requested to write an article for the Oilseed Focus as well as to do a presentation at the next Groundnut Forum meeting in respect of the research conducted.
Mr Keun
- That Prof Laing will be requested to write an article for the Oilseed Focus as well as to do a presentation at the next Groundnut Forum meeting in respect of the research conducted.
Quality Standards for high versus low oleic groundnuts
Mr Visser raised his concerns regarding the different quality standards between South Africa and Europe.
After a lengthy discussion of the matter, it has been decided that it should be considered to expand the planned Aflatoxin Testing proviciency project to include FFA and PV testing.
However, due to uncertainty regarding the focus of the discussion (non-staturoty product standards and/or disparity in laboratory results); desired results and the specialist knowledge needed to evalute this matter it was decided to establish a smaller working group for discussion and proposed projects or action plans for consideration by the Forum.
The members of the working group will be Mr Visser, Mr Higgs, Mr Clark, Ms Louw and Mr Sanford.
- That it has been decided that FFA and PV tesing will be considered for inclusion in the planned Aflatoxin Tesing proficiency project.
Mr Keun - That a smaller working group be established for discussion of the desired actions to be reported to the Chairperson and Forum. The members of the working group will be Mr Visser, Mr Higggs, Mr Clark, Ms Louw and Mr Sanford.
Mr Visser, Mr Higgs, Mr Clark,
Ms Louw, Mr Sanford
- That it has been decided that FFA and PV tesing will be considered for inclusion in the planned Aflatoxin Tesing proficiency project.
Food Business Operator requirements for primary producers
The question was raised by Mr Visser that farmers need submit their title deeds to enable them to require FBO codes. Mr Visser requested that the guideline be adjusted so that the farmers do not have to submit their title deeds for FBO codes.
After a discussion of the matter, the Chairperson undertook to write a letter to requested that no title deeds are required for FBO codes.
- That the Chairperson will write a letter regarding the requirement of title deeds for FBO codes.
Mr Keun
- That the Chairperson will write a letter regarding the requirement of title deeds for FBO codes.
Peanut Smut
Mr Higgs reported to the forum members that the prevalence of peanut smut has graciously increase in South Africa.
Members were cautioned regarding the increase of peanut smut and it was agreed that more information be obtained in this regard.
- That more information regarding the increase of peanut smut be obtained.
Mr Keun
- That more information regarding the increase of peanut smut be obtained.
Additional matters
The contents of the articles included in the agenda as Annexure I were noted.
Meeting dates 2020
The following meeting dates were scheduled for 2020:
- 15 July 2020
- 28 October 2020
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 13:00.