
SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 27 July 2016 at 10:00 at Sellschop Building, ARC-GCI, 114 Chris Hani Street, Potchefstroom

  1. Opening

    The Chairperson opened the meeting with a prayer at 10:05.

  2. Welcome

    The Chairperson welcomed all present to the meeting of the Groundnut Forum. A special welcome to Prof Mark Laing (University of KZN).

  3. Attendance


    Ms A Botha Praxia Trading (Chairperson)
    Mr L de Kock Roba Foods (Vice Chairperson)
    Mr N Hawkins SAGIS
    Mr H Lazarus LB NUTS
    Mr W Mokgobu DAFF
    Ms L Muller ARC–GCI
    Mr T Myburgh GWK
    Mr GC Nortje GWK
    Mr GJH Scholtemeijer OAC
    Dr CJ Swanevelder Private
    Dr WJ van der Walt OAC
    Mr P van Heerden PPECB
    Mr PP van Wyk VGM
    Mr C Thabethe NDOH
    Mr N Wegner PPECB
    Mr Y Zwane PPECB
    Mr G Keun OAC
    Ms M Ritchie Quorum Secretarial Services


    Ms R Beukes DAFF (Crop Estimates Committee)
    Mr JD Boshoff AFMA
    Mr H Engelbrecht PPECB
    Mr S Heilbron PPECB
    Mr C Louw GrainSA
    Mr F Minnaar GrainSA
    Mr M Mosome DAFF
    Mr V Mapfumari DAFF
    Ms M Purnell Agbiz Grain
    Ms M Scheepers DAFF (Crop Estimates Committee)
    Mr C van Rooyen Farmer's Weekly
    Ms A Snyman GWK
    Dr C van der Merwe Tiger Brands
    Mr PA Visser Golden Peanut
  4. Personalia

    The Chairperson wished Mr Engelbrecht from PPECB a speedy recovery and congratulated Ms Muller from ARC-GCI on her recent marriage.

  5. Finalisation of agenda

    The agenda was accepted with the addition of the following points for discussion:

    Item 10 – Additional Matters:

    • 10.2 – APS Act – Notices 570 (27/5/2016) and 345 (17/6/2016)
    • 10.3 – Solas VGM Implementation
    • 10.3 – Availability of Breeder Seed

    Due to Prof Laing's schedule, the meeting agreed to finalize all presen-tations in the following order:

    • 9.1 – Presentation - Prof M Laing
    • 8.2 – SAGIS: General Feedback and Market Information – Mr N Hawkins
    • 8.3 – PPECB Laboratory Services – Mr Zwane
  6. Approval of minutes

    Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 18 February 2016


    1. That the minutes of the meeting of SA Groundnut Forum that was held on 18 February 2016 be accepted as a true reflection of that meeting.
    2. Mr Keun

  7. Matters arising

    1. Audits

      (Resolution 7.1.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 18/02/2016)

      The Chairperson suggested that Resolution 7.1.1: "That a reference document for the industry listing the items of legislation relevant to the industry be drafted"; should be handled under 7.4 Strategic Industry Plan. Also, new developments, specifically with regard to import control is underway and needs to be considered before the final document can be compiled.

      The Chairperson reported that Mr S Heilbron (PPECB) informed her telephonically that PPECB are sensitive to the devastating effect of the drought on farmers and understood that the auditing process may be seen as a further burden. He emphasized that the process will continue but that they will be accommodative as far as possible. These sentiments were confirmed by Mr Neels Wegner.

      No further information had been obtained with regard to the audit of HACCP compliance status of the processing and sorting facilities. The Chairperson advised that she would request Ms Campbell to provide feedback at the next forum meeting in October 2016. This item would be carried over to the next meeting.


      1. That feedback be given by PPECB at the next forum meeting regarding the farm audits.

        Mr Heilbron

      2. That Ms P Campbell be requested to provide feedback at the next forum meeting regarding the audits of HACCP compliance status of the processing and sorting facilities.

        Ms Campbell

    2. Customs and Excise – blanched groundnuts

      (Resolution 7.2.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 18/02/2016)

      The Chairperson reported that she had received no further feedback from the industry and suggested that the matter be closed. The forum agreed to remove this item from the agenda.

    3. Producer Grading Guideline Amendments

      (Resolution 7.3.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 18/02/2016)

      The Chairperson reported that the information made available in writing (either be it from suppliers within the industry, or via other sources) was not sufficient to undertake a complete modification of the current grading standards. Mr Wegner was in the process of implementing a project plan on the Producer Grading Guideline Amendments.


      1. That Mr Wegner be requested to start planning and propose a project on the Producer Grading Guideline Amendments.

        Mr Wegner

    4. Strategic Industry Plan

      (Item 7.4 and resolutions 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 18/02/2016)

      The Chairperson tabled a draft Terms of Reference for the SA Groundnut Forum (Annexure B). She noted that the Forum objectives and functions were not clear to the industry, as stated in the Executive Summary of the 2012 BFAP report. Certain expectations exists for the Forum and elected officials, and if these expectations are not met due to the restrictions of the actual mandate or structure of the Forum, unjustly negative perceptions may arise and this document aims to clarify the role and mandate afforded to the Forum. Furthermore, the document includes an official statement in line with requirements set by the Competition Act, allowing protection for members and allow for open discussion.

      The Chairperson presented a document outlining the proposed projects and key objectives for 2016/17, to be read together with the proposed draft Terms of Reference. This document was reviewed by Mr Keun and Mr de Kock. The aim of the document was to identify and reconfirm issues on hand, the Forum's objectives and projects that were vitally important for the survival, stability and growth of the local groundnut industry. The Chairperson suggested that the Forum review the action list at the last meeting of each year.

      The Forum discussed at length the production and consumer focused marketing, which included the proposed groundnut symposium to take place in early 2018, and the introduction of a producer/farmer information day. The Forum debated the advantages and disadvantages of holding a two-day symposium and the benefits of having a farmer's day, as an alternative option. The Forum was of the view that a symposium required a tremendous amount of planning and organization, which would need to be taken into account when considering this option.

      Mr Scholtemeijer complimented the Chairperson on a very thorough and detailed document. Concern was raised with regard to the number of committees that would be established, however, the Chairperson assured the members that she would be mindful of this when any new committees were established and that the issue of administration of committees are covered in the document. The Chairperson requested that Forum members review the document and advise any amendments and/or comments.

      A suggestion was made that the South African Groundnut Forum should be re-introduced to industry and affected parties concerned.

      The South African Groundnut Forum Cultivar and Production Survey Report

      The Chairperson provided a summary on a recent survey conducted with regard to cultivar and production. She noted that 33 people had responded to the survey and of those, 63% were directly involved in farming and 95% were farming the drylands. In respect of the most desirable or important cultivar traits, 94% felt that international cultivars should be included in local trials and 57% indicated that cultivar type was important for the local market. 90% Felt that the cultivar type is important for export marketing, such as the Spanish type cultivar, which was high in demand internationally.

      • Growth Potential

        Sixty percent (60%) of farmers responding indicated that a 2mt/ha average in yield would stimulate production in dryland areas. 80% Farmers would plant more groundnuts if a 0.5mt increase in yield were possible. 90% Of farmers believe that a higher yield would also lead to increased planting under irrigation and available land.

      • Other Considerations noted

        Industry feedback and/or progress might be limited as a result of a lack of involvement from the industry.

      • Additional Notes

        • Limitations placed by owners of cultivars that could ultimately limit availability to the wider industry
        • Role of the ARC
        • Disease resistance and drought tolerance
        • Breeder seed availability
      • Research needs included

        • Disease research
        • Seed improvements
        • Conservation farming

      In conclusion, it was requested that the presentation be circulated to members, and added to the agenda for discussion at the next forum meeting. It was proposed that the survey be completed every two to three years to obtain updated and relevant information. It was suggested that these types of surveys could also be handed out at the farmer's information day.


      1. That members be requested to review the cultivar survey on SAGF cultivar and submit any comments to the Chairperson.


      2. That members be requested to review the draft Terms of Reference and submit any amendments and/or comments to the Chairperson.


      3. That the proposed draft Terms of Reference be accepted, and presented to the forum members at the October meeting, subject to interim amendments or additions.


    5. Fosetyl Al

      (Resolutions 7.5.1 and 7.5.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 18/02/2016)

      The Chairperson advised that no further information was received from industry and that there is no real basis to continue with this point at this time. It is confirmed that GrainSA did publish a warning that farmers should consider this issue, especially since there are a possible link to certain fertilizers.

      Mr Lazarus confirmed that individual industry roleplayers are still investigating internally and he was invited to share any relevant information should it come to light.

  8. Industry information and marketing aspects

    1. Crop and area estimates

      No discussion and the meeting took notice of the documentation included as Annexure C.

    2. SAGIS: General feedback and market information

      Mr Hawkins gave a general feedback presentation to the Forum, which included imports and exports for the RSA 2016/2017 season, groundnuts consumption; the 2016/2017 marketing year; supply and demand as well as price movements, details of which would be available on the SAGIS website.

      Mr Hawkins requested the support of importers and exporters to include the country of origin and destination on their monthly returns. There seems to be a reluctance from certain companies to include this information although it is a statutory requirement.

      The Chairperson thanked Mr Hawkins for his presentation.

    3. PPECB Laboratory Services Groundnut Report

      Mr Zwane from PPECB Laboratory Services in Centurion, reported to the Forum. His report included groundnut volumes for April, May and June 2016 for both commercial and statutory volumes. He noted that Aflatoxin levels for April, May and June 2016, had decreased considerably.

  9. Research

    1. Presentation by Professor Mark Laing, University of KwaZulu-Natal

      Mr Scholtemeijer introduced Professor Laing from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, who presented a research project on the studies conducted on the use of biocontrol agents on groundnut to control Aspergillus spp. and other soil pathogens. Professor Laing highlighted that South Africa had the highest incidences of throat cancer in the world, with Mozambique, close behind. This was as a direct result of consumption of groundnuts in Mozambique and contaminated maize and sorghum in South Africa. Professor Laing reported that Mozambique had lost an estimated 95% of their export market to Europe, due to the contamination of groundnuts.

      Five Key Outcomes to date

      Professor Laing reported that extensive research on seed treatment of groundnuts with Trichoderma harzianum Strain Tkd had been undertaken. The project began in January 2014, with the testing of the potential of a biocontrol agent. Various control strategies developed from this research are set out below:

      • Control strategies to be implemented for pre-harvest and post-harvest of groundnuts.
      • Pest management standards.
      • The use of biocontrol and silicon fertilizer with regard to drought tolerance management.
      • The importance of sterile storage conditions.
      • Biocontrol after shelling with HWT+yeast.

      The outcome of these control strategies were reported as follows:

      • Seed treatment with Tkd: increased yield of seed 50-67%.
      • Reduced Aspergillus infections.
      • Reduced AFB1 by approximately 60-70%.
      • Improved drought tolerance.
      • Pest control.

      It was suggested that the following items are actioned as "Next Steps".

      • Repeat trials for Aspergillus management using Trichoderma and silicon fertilizer to be undertaken.
      • Controlled drought tolerance management.

      Prof Laing was requested to clarify whether the herbicide resistance was specifically resistant to glyphosate or to all herbicides in general. Professor Laing replied that each herbicide was tested separately. Ms Muller remarked that she had seen a dramatic improvement in crop health with the introduction of the seed treatment.

      Mr Keun was requested to circulate the presentation and contact details to the forum members. The Chairperson thanked Professor Laing for his informative presentation.


      1. That the presentation be circulated together with the relevant contact details to the members of the forum.

        Mr Keun

  10. Additional matters

    1. Report: International Peanut Forum

      The Chairperson provided feedback from the International Peanut Forum that Mr Louw and herself had attended from 13 to 15 April 2016 and members are asked to refer to the report in Annexure E. Information will be used for future articles and consideration when local research and projects are undertaken.

    2. APS Act – Notices 570 and 345

      The Chairperson provided a brief summary on Notices 570 and 345 in terms of the APS Act. The main issue focused on import inspection, grading and certification. Leaf Services had been appointed as DAFF's assignee and they are in the process of drafting procedures and cost modules (during August) to be in place and implemented by January 2017. Feedback will be supplied to the Forum as and when available.

    3. Solas VGM implementation info session

      Mr Wegner presented a report on the Solas VGM implementation process in terms of the South African Maritime Safety Authorities Notice 25 of 2016. He reported that two methods where available for the verification of gross of mass (vgm) of a containers transport unit could be obtained as well as the auditing process for the 2nd method. Concern was raised by Mr Lazarus that shippers cannot be expected to sign weight certificates if they are not present during loading of the containers. Mr Wegner offered to follow up on the matter with their relevant department and revert back.

    4. Availability of breeder seed

      Ms Muller reported that sufficient breeder seed is available to order from the ARC and requested interested parties to place their orders as soon as possible. The following (per 25kg bag @ R2 500/bag) is available per cultivar:

      286   Akwa
      376   Kwarts
      400   Opal
      290   Tufa
      210   Oleic
      322   Akwa Plus
      152   Sellie Plus
      242   Anel

  11. Meeting dates

    The next meeting is confirmed for the 26th October at the Oilseeds Offices in Rivonia.

  12. Adjournment

    There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 13:54. The Chairperson thanked the Forum members for their attendance.