SA Groundnut Forum (SAGF)
held on 30 March 2011 at 10:00 at the Sellschop Building, ARC-GCI, Potchefstroom
The meeting was opened with prayer offered by Mr GTDu T Keun.
The Chairperson, Mr GTDuT Keun, welcomed all present to the meeting, with a special word of welcome to Messrs Geldenhuys and Ngcobo, who were attending a meeting of the Groundnut Forum for the first time.
Mr GTduT Keun Chairperson Mr J Blaauw PPECB Mr GA de Witt Praxia Trading Ms A Enslin SAGIS Mr G Fourie SAGM Ms P Fourie GrainSA Mr GT Geldenhuys GrainSA Mr N Hawkins GrainSA Mr RW Higgs Triotrade Gauteng Mr M Ngcobo PPECB Mr RE Nerwich The Snack Factory Ms AE Pretorius ARC-GCI Ms L Salomon ARC-GCI Mr P Sanford FRW (Groundnuts) Pty Ltd Dr CJ Swanevelder Consultant Dr WJ van der Walt SANCU Ms A van Deventer Praxia Trading Mr PJ van Heerden PPECB Mr P van Wyk VGM Mr PA Visser P Farm Apologies
Ms R Beukes DAFF Mr AM Cronjé Tiger Brands Dr J Dreyer ARC-GCI Mr JCG du Preez Consultant Mr A Evans RE Groundnuts Mr D Kok Grain Silo Industry Mr H Lazarus SA Groundnut Marketing Mr A Lubbe Grain Silo Industry Mr J Roux Safrinut Mr W Roux Safrinut Personalia
The contents of the letter Dr Dreyer had addressed to the Forum on his retirement was noted.
The meeting agreed that the groundnut industry at a later stage would formally thank Dr Jan Dreyer and Mr Jan Du Preez for their contributions to the industry.
Finalisation of agenda
The agenda was accepted as it stood, with the addition of:
- Item 11.2 – Export of groundnuts intended for animal feed; and
- Item 11.3 – PPECB matters.
Approval of minutes
Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum held on 1 February 2011
- That the minutes of the meeting of the SA Groundnut Forum, which was held on 1 February 2011, be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting.
Matters arising
Chemical residues in the EU and Far East
(Resolutions 7.3.1 to 7.3.3 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
Mr Keun reported that Mr Rob Wood, a consultant, had indicated that he would submit a proposal on the annual compilation of a list of chemical agents applicable to the groundnut industry, for consideration by the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
It was noted that a list of 52 chemicals registered for use on groundnuts in South Africa had been compiled by the Department of Health (DOH), which list would be used in conjunction with Mr Wood's list, in order to comply with the requirements of the European Union (EU) and the Far East with regard to chemical residues. Ms Van Deventer confirmed that she would obtain a copy of the DOH's list.
- That it be noted that a proposal on the annual compilation of a list of chemical agents applicable to the groundnut industry will be submitted for consideration by the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
- That it be noted that a copy of the list of 52 chemicals registered for use on groundnuts in South Africa, that had been compiled by the Department of Health (DOH), would be made available to the members of the Forum.
Ms van Deventer
- That it be noted that a proposal on the annual compilation of a list of chemical agents applicable to the groundnut industry will be submitted for consideration by the Oilseeds Advisory Committee.
Peanut butter – Gauteng Feeding scheme
(Resolution 7.4.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
The resolution with regard to the exclusion of peanut butter on the Gauteng Education Department's list of approved foods in their feeding scheme was referred to the Steering Committee.
- That the relevant authorities be contacted to determine what had motivated the Gauteng Department of Education to delete peanut butter from the list of approved foods in their feeding scheme.
Steering Committee
- That the relevant authorities be contacted to determine what had motivated the Gauteng Department of Education to delete peanut butter from the list of approved foods in their feeding scheme.
Competition Commission
(Resolution 7.5.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
Cognisance was taken of the list of issues that are not to be discussed at Forum meetings, in order to comply with the requirements of the Competition Commission. Cognisance was also taken that the list will be included with the documentation of all future meetings of the Forum, and that it will be minuted that the list was considered to have been read by all present at the meeting.
- That it be noted the list of issues that are not to be discussed at Forum meetings, will be included with the documentation of all future meetings of the Forum, and that it will be minuted that the list was considered to have been read by all present at the meeting.
- That it be noted the list of issues that are not to be discussed at Forum meetings, will be included with the documentation of all future meetings of the Forum, and that it will be minuted that the list was considered to have been read by all present at the meeting.
Export contracts
(Resolution 7.1.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
The members were in agreement that the Forum could not instruct its members on how to conduct their businesses. The matter was considered to be concluded.
Feedback: EU Visit
The Chairperson noted his disappointment on the absence of representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) at the meeting, as he had hoped that they would be able to provide feedback on the visit of the EU delegates to South Africa. Mr Hawkins proposed that the DAFF representatives and their superiors be informed in writing that the members of the Forum had expressed their regret about the absence of DAFF employees at the meeting. It was noted that DAFF, the Department of Health (DOH) and PPECB would be requested to nominate a specific representative to attend future meetings of the Forum.
Ms van Deventer briefly reported on the preliminary findings of the EU delegation. The Chairperson proposed that the final report on the findings of the EU delegation be awaited before any further action was taken.
Mr Higgs reported that he had been informed that all groundnut processing plants were to be HACCP-approved and certified by 1 May 2011. He said PPECB had informed some, but not all, of the roleplayers that the changes that had been implemented to the procedures in Durban Harbour would now be aggressively applied. He proposed that PPECB keep all the relevant roleplayers fully informed of all changes in procedure. Following on an extensive discussion of the matter, the Chairperson ruled that a meeting would be convened before the end of April between PPECB and all the relevant roleplayers, so that the matter could be discussed and resolved. Mr Blaauw suggested that the status quo be left unchanged for the moment, and that the process of engagement started once the final EU report had been submitted.
In response to a question by Mr Visser, the Chairperson said the DOH would be approached as soon as possible to clarify whether or not all processing plants had to be HACCP-certified in the coming season. Mr Visser said the plants usually stood idle between January and March, and added that it would be perfect if HACCP-certification was scheduled for that period.
- That the DAFF representatives and their superiors be informed in writing that the members of the Forum had expressed their regret about the absence of DAFF employees at the meeting.
- That DAFF, the Department of Health (DOH) and PPECB would be requested to nominate a specific representative to attend future meetings of the Forum.
- That the final report on the findings of the EU delegation be awaited before any further action would be taken.
Members - That the Department of Health be approached as soon as possible to clarify whether or not all processing plants had to be HACCP-certified in the coming season.
- That the DAFF representatives and their superiors be informed in writing that the members of the Forum had expressed their regret about the absence of DAFF employees at the meeting.
Seed quality
Cognisance was taken that a representative from SANSOR will be invited to a future meeting of the Forum to discuss the required qualities of seed to be made available for planting with reference to a brief in this regard, which the Steering Committee would prepare beforehand.
- That a representative from SANSOR will be invited to a future meeting of the Forum to discuss the required qualities of seed to be made available for planting with reference to a brief in this regard, which the Steering Committee would prepare beforehand.
Steering Committee
- That a representative from SANSOR will be invited to a future meeting of the Forum to discuss the required qualities of seed to be made available for planting with reference to a brief in this regard, which the Steering Committee would prepare beforehand.
Imports of peanut butter
(Resolution 9.1 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
Cognisance was taken that feedback was being awaited from the Department of Health on the matter of large volumes of peanut butter imports.
The e-mail from the above-mentioned department that the matter would be investigated and feedback provided by the end of April 2011, was noted.
- That the Department of Health be alerted to the fact that large volumes of peanut butter were currently imported from India, and be requested to confirm that imported peanut butter was tested for aflatoxin.
Ms van Deventer
- That the Department of Health be alerted to the fact that large volumes of peanut butter were currently imported from India, and be requested to confirm that imported peanut butter was tested for aflatoxin.
Role and structure of Groundnut Forum
Ms van Deventer reported at some length on the meeting the Steering Committee had convened to discuss the future role and structure of the Forum. The Chairperson said Ms van Deventer had prepared a comprehensive document for further discussion by the Steering Committee, and added that the members of the Forum would be kept informed on progress achieved.
Industry information and marketing aspects
SAGIS: General feedback and market information
The members took cognisance of the SAGIS weekly bulletin dated 8 March and the monthly bulletin dated 23 February.
Ms Enslin conveyed SAGIS's gratitude to the co-workers in the industry for submitting their returns timeously, and to the members of the Forum for their support and cooperation. The members of the Forum confirmed that they were satisfied with the information compiled by SAGIS.
Crop and Area estimates
Cognisance was taken of the first production forecast for summer crops for the 2010/2011 production season. Ms Salomon said she was expecting good results from the cultivar evaluation trials. She warned that the harvest dates may be delayed, because of the reduced number of heat units experienced during the current season, which could have an effect on yield.
Study: Sustainability of the groundnut industry
(Resolution 7.1.1 to 7.1.3 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
Cognisance was taken that the Research Priority Committee of the oilseeds industry had approved the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy's (BFAP) proposal on the study on the sustainability of the local groundnut industry.
Research proposal: Aflatoxin
(Resolution 10.4.1 and 10.4.2 of the SA Groundnut Forum minutes of 1 February 2011)
Mr Ngcobo provided further detail of PPECB's planned study on the supply chain of groundnuts. Mr Geldenhuys suggested that both mechanically and manually harvested nuts be included in the study. The members of the Forum confirmed that they would lend their full support to the study.
Feedback: groundnut industry roleplayers
No report back.
Additional items
HACCP regulations
This matter has been discussed as part of item 7.5. The Chairperson reported that Dr van der Walt had provided him with the DOH and DAFF's guidelines on HACCP and GAP, respectively. He said he would distribute copies of the guidelines to the members.
Export of groundnuts intended for animal feed
Mr Visser noted that clarification had to be obtained as soon as possible on the matter of the reinstatement of the dispensation on groundnuts intended for exports aimed at the animal feed market.
- That clarification be obtained as soon as possible on the matter of the reinstatement of the dispensation on groundnuts intended for exports aimed at the animal feed market.
Ms Van Deventer
Mr Visser
- That clarification be obtained as soon as possible on the matter of the reinstatement of the dispensation on groundnuts intended for exports aimed at the animal feed market.
PPECB matters
Mr Higgs said the EU required a two-legged report on aflatoxin testing, while the PPECB did a three-legged analysis, which resulted in additional expenditure. Mr Blaauw said he would request Dr Naicker to provide an explanation on this. Ms van Deventer said she had been informed that the regulations would not be amended while the local groundnut industry was being scrutinised by the EU.
- That cognisance be taken that Dr Naicker will be asked to inform the Forum on the reasons why the PPECB did a three-legged analysis for aflatoxin on groundnuts while the EU required two-legged testing only.
Mr Blaauw
- That cognisance be taken that Dr Naicker will be asked to inform the Forum on the reasons why the PPECB did a three-legged analysis for aflatoxin on groundnuts while the EU required two-legged testing only.
Meeting dates 2011
Meeting dates will be communicated to the members of the Forum once the Steering Committee had reflected on the issue.
The Chairperson thanked the members of the Forum for their attendance at, and contributions to the meeting, and wished all a safe journey home. Dr Swanevelder congratulated the Forum on its new approach to handling matters of interest to the industry. There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30.