Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum
Meeting held on 25 May 2021 by means of a virtual platform (MS Teams)
Mr Andries Theron opened the meeting with prayer.
The Chairperson, Mr Jozeph du Plessis, welcomed everybody present at the meeting.
Mr J du Plessis Chairperson Mr JP Botma Producer: Free State Ms R Beukes DALRRD Dr E Briedenhann PRF/OAC Mr T Clark RCL Foods Mr H Davies Eden Social Development Foundation Ms AS de Beer ARC-GCI Mr GP de Beer PRF Contractor Mr S de Jager COFCO Mr W de Wet AFMA/RCL Foods Dr J Dreyer PRF Dr C Erasmus SAGL Contractor Ms P Fourie Grain SA Mr N Hawkins SAGIS Mr G Heyns SACTA Dr M Human Grain SA Ms A Janeke Limagrain Mr M Jansen van Rensburg Department of Agriculture, Mpumalanga Dr C Joubert NAMC Dr R Karuaihe JSE Mr G Keun CEO PRF/OPDT/OAC Dr S Lamprecht ARC-PPRI Mr KJ Leeuw ARC-API Mr W Lemmer AgbizGrain Mr S Links Grain SA Mr CJ Louw Grain SA Ms W Louw SAGL Dr S Ma'ali ARC-GCI Mr B Maliba SACTA Mr V Mapfumari DALRRD Ms L Mellet NAMC Prof F Meyer BFAP Mr TJ Phasoana ARC-PHP Mr MA Prinsloo ARC-GCI Mr GL Roos Producer: Mpumalanga Dr L Rothmann UFS Ms M Scheepers DALRRD Mr L Schoonraad Corteva Mr B Schultz SAGIS Dr D Strydom Grain SA Dr P Taljaard Bayer Mr A Theron PRF Mr N van Burick Landbouweekblad Mr C van Coller Grain SA Ms S van der Merwe Corteva Mr L van der Walt Grain SA Mr K van Huyssteen SANSOR Mr W van Pletsen Agricol Mr WF van Wyk PRF Contractor Mr L Verhoef AgraTech Trade Dr M Visser University of Pretoria Mr F Yssel Limagrain Ms M du Preez PRF Ms A Schoeman PRF Apologies
Mr P Lovelace CEOCO/SAOPA Mr C Cloete ROLFES AGRI Mr De Wet Boshoff AFMA/SACOTA Mr R Küsel Producer: KwaZulu-Natal Personalia
None reported.
Confirmation of the agenda
The Agenda was confirmed with no additions.
Approval of minutes
Minutes of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum held on 28 January 2021 and referral to website
- That the minutes of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum held on 28 January 2021 be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting, and that the minutes be referred to the Oilseeds Industry's website for publication.
Ms Du Preez
Steering Committee
- That the minutes of the Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum held on 28 January 2021 be accepted as a true and fair reflection of that meeting, and that the minutes be referred to the Oilseeds Industry's website for publication.
Current soybean prices: local and international
Dr E Briedenhann gave a brief overview of the current state of the national and international soybean and sunflower markets, with aspects such as the current state of production, prices, demand and supply, amongst others, being covered.
The contents of the latest SAGIS Weekly Bulletin and of the latest Monthly Bulletin included as Annexure B were noted. Cognisance was taken that this and other data were published on the SAGIS website.
Mr Hawkins did a short presentation in respect of the SAGIS information.
South African Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SASDEC)
The April 2021 report of the Supply and Demand Estimates Committee included as Annexure C was noted.
Dr C Joubert from the NAMC did a short presentation and gave an overview of SASDEC.
Crop estimates
Latest crop estimates: Soybeans and Sunflower
A presentation was delivered on the Crop Estimates Committee's view on the areas planted to summer crops in the 2021 season. An overview was provided of the areas planted to sunflower and soybeans over the period from 1991-2021.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Scheepers and her team for an excellent job done.
Producer matters: Sunflower and Soybeans
No report back.
Mpumalanga and Gauteng
Mr G Roos mentioned that the average soybean yield was better in Mpumalanga than in the Free State. He further mentioned that Sclerotinia remained a problem and due to circumstances chemical application was done by way of arial spraying.
Mr Van Wyk mentioned that in Mpumalanga a record soybean yield was recorded in spite of the Sclerotinia damage.
In respect of Gauteng, Mr Van Wyk said that conditions were similar to those in Mpumalanga.
North West and Limpopo Province
Mr G de Beer reported that there was an increase in hectares in the North West in soybeans as well as the Western parts of the Free State.
The Chairperson mentioned that it was a very good season for soybeans but not as good for sunflower. Very little Sclerotinia was detected on sunflower but more Sclerotinia was noticed on soybeans.
Free State
Mr Botma reported that it was an exceptional year for soybeans, with record yields in some areas. He predicted an increase in hectares in Wesselsbron, Bultfontein and the sandy soil areas. He also mentioned that there is a lot of interest of new farmers to plant soybeans. Regarding sunflower Mr Botma referred to problems experienced with pollination as well as disease problems.
Mr van Coller reported that in some areas lower yields were obtained than during 2020. This was due to rainfall, less sunlight, planting dates and Sclerotinia. He confirmed that there will be an increase in soybean hectares.
Eastern and Northern Cape and South Western Districts
No report back.
Soybean value chain
Dr Briedenhann referred to the following areas of intervention that were identified and the progress achieved:
- Delivering soybeans with high moisture levels
Challenges were experienced and the work will be repeated during the next season.
- Soybean quality and content
BFAP submitted the report which is currently under consideration by the OAC.
- Impact of duties on soybeans and soybean meal
BFAP submitted the report which is under consideration by the OAC.
- SAGL Proficiency Testing
First results were obtained and feedback will be given.
- Transport
A separate working group will attend to the matter of transport.
- Delivering soybeans with high moisture levels
Sunflower value chain
Dr Briedenhann mentioned that the last meeting scheduled for the Sunflower Value Chain did not take place and that the information available is from the previous Sunflower Value Chain meeting.
Dr Briedenhann referred to the planting of high oleic sunflower cultivars and the contribution to the sunflower industry it can make. He also touched on the issue of incentivising producers to plant these cultivars.
National cultivar trials
Ms A de Beer did a presentation and gave a brief overview of the National Soybean cultivar trials and also pointed out some of the problems experienced. She referred to matters like green stem and shattering.
Mr De Beer mentioned that he is responsible for 5 trials in the Western part where an average yield of 2,6 tons/ha were obtained. Trials were planted in the Schweizer-Reneke area on the 11th of November 2020 and the average yield was 3,9 tons/ha and the cultivar with the highest yield was 4,8 tons/ha. Trials that were planted on the 7th of December 2020 obtaining an average yield of 2,4 tons/ha and the highest yield of 3 tons/ha.
The Chairperson mentioned that soybeans are more area specific than other crops and that the cultivar trials plays an important part for the producers to know which genetics to plant in which area.
Soybean rust
Dr Dreyer reported that no rust incidences were reported for the North Eastern Free State areas of Vrede and Villiers.
Mr Davies reported that no rust incidences were reported for the Bergville and Winterton areas.
Mr Van Wyk reported that rust incidences for KZN are under control due to preventative treatment as part of their spraying programme.
(Resolutions and of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 7/10/20)
Dr M Human gave an overview on Sclerotinia research that was done over the past year by the Sclerotinia Network. She mentioned that Sclerotinia is a problem that needs urgent intervention and that there are no solutions even internationally. She mentioned that research is a long-term initiative and GrainSA was looking at current projects that they were busy with to see if it really delivers the results what producers were looking for and contributing to obtain improved control. She provided information on the approach, literature reviewed, the phenotypic screening, challenges and successes experienced with cultivar evaluations, chemical control and biological control. Dr Human also referred to priorities, focus areas and the way forward.
The Chairperson thanked Dr M Human for her presentation.
Mr Van Wyk mentioned a few issues with regards to the presentation. The Chairperson ruled that Dr Human set up a meeting with Mr Van Wyk to address the issues identified.
Dr P Taljaard mentioned that he is very positive regarding research done by Bayer on a chemical product that can be sprayed for Sclerotinia.
(Resolution of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 7/10/20)
The Chairperson referred to the list of registered inoculants included in the Agenda as Annexure G.
Mr Louw mentioned that the list will be updated continuously.
Mr Keun mentioned that articles from MBFi and EMPRAPA will be published in the June edition of the Oilseeds Focus.
- That it be noted that the Rhizobia list will be updated regularly.
- That it be noted that articles from MBFi and EMPRAPA will be published in the June edition of the Oilseeds Focus.
- That it be noted that the Rhizobia list will be updated regularly.
Sudden Death Syndrome
Dr Lamprecht gave the following feedback on the Sudden death syndrome (SDS) project:
"Sudden death syndrome (SDS) of soybean is one of the most important soilborne diseases of soybean and is responsible for economically devastating reductions in yields in North and South America. Several Fusarium species that is currently included in Neocosmospora phaseoli cause the disease. SDS was first reported in South Africa in 2013 in Mpumalanga and since then it was also reported in fields in the Free State, Gauteng, Limpopo, North West and KwaZulu-Natal. Since it is very difficult to isolate the fungus using conventional techniques, the main aim of the project is to develop molecular tools for rapid detection and quantification of the pathogen from plant material and soil. We did not obtain plants with SDS symptoms during a survey conducted in January to some of the National cultivar trials with Ms Annelie De Beer. It appeared that it was too early to observe the typical SDS symptoms, but it gave us the opportunity to sample plants for isolation of species closely related to N. phaseoli which will be used to test the species-specific primers that were developed. Currently, two of the species-specific primers evaluated in this study show promise for specific detection of N. phaseoli, but they will be tested further for their specificity on the species closely related to N. phaseoli."
Dr Lamprecht thanked OPDT for funding of this very important, but complex project.
- That cognisance be taken of the feedback from Dr Lamprecht on the Sudden Death Syndrome project.
Dr Lamprecht
- That cognisance be taken of the feedback from Dr Lamprecht on the Sudden Death Syndrome project.
National cultivar trials
Feedback was given by Dr Safiah Ma'ali on the results of the National Sunflower Cultivar Trials for the current season. A more detailed report will be presented at the next meeting.
- That feedback be given in respect of the National Sunflower trials at the next Forum meeting.
Dr S Ma'ali
- That feedback be given in respect of the National Sunflower trials at the next Forum meeting.
Technology transfer
The contents of the articles, included as Annexure H, were noted.
Sunflower Highlights
The contents of the document, included as Annexure I, were noted.
LEAF Services
The contents of the document, included as Annexure J, were noted.
Mr Keun mentioned that several discussions took place of the Industry Working Group pertaining to the LEAF Services matters.
Mr Keun mentioned that the Business Plan and Methodology of Inspections and Fees were gazetted on the 23rd of April 2021 and that comments/objections need to be submitted by the 3rd of June 2021 either to Mr Keun or directly to LEAF Services and DALRRD.
Mr Keun mentioned that the notice received from LEAF Services as well as the minutes of the Industry Working Group meeting held on die 24th of May 2021 will be circulated to the forum members.
Mr Louw mentioned that it is important that individual comments need to be submitted and that comments must be focused on the principal issues.
- That it be noted that the Business Plan and Methodology of Inspections and Fees were gazetted on the 23rd of April 2021 and that comments need to be submitted by the 3rd of June 2021 either to Mr Keun or directly to LEAF Services and DALRRD.
- That it be noted that the notice received from LEAF Services as well as the minutes of the meeting held on the 24th of May 2021 will be circulated to the forum members.
Mr Keun
- That it be noted that the Business Plan and Methodology of Inspections and Fees were gazetted on the 23rd of April 2021 and that comments need to be submitted by the 3rd of June 2021 either to Mr Keun or directly to LEAF Services and DALRRD.
Information Days 2021
Mr De Beer mentioned that the Farmers Day that was arranged on the 10th of March 2021 at Schweizer-Reneke was a great success.
The Chairperson requested that educational videos be forwarded to Ms Du Preez for uploading on the website.
Oilseeds Focus
Dr Briedenhann reported that they are in the process of finalising the June edition of the Oilseeds Focus.
Yield Competition
Mr Louw gave feedback on the "Grow for gold competition" organised by GrainSA. A few individual entries have been received. The deadline for entries is the 15th of August 2021. If Covid-19 allows, it is envisaged to hold the competition function in mid-September 2021.
Other matters
Chemicals and inoculants
(Resolution 16.2.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 28/01/2021)
Dr Taljaard presented the breakeven sensitivity analysis on soy and maize in respect of Velum® 1 GR.
The Chairperson thanked Dr Taljaard for the feedback and suggested that feedback be given at the next meeting regarding trials that have been done.
Dr Taljaard mentioned that Bayer is engaged in discussions with the Regulator with regards to Intacta™ Roundup Ready™ 2.
- That Dr Taljaard be requested to give feedback at the next meeting of the Forum regarding trials that has been done using Velum® 1 GR.
Dr Taljaard
- That Dr Taljaard be requested to give feedback at the next meeting of the Forum regarding trials that has been done using Velum® 1 GR.
No report back.
No report back.
No report back.
No report back.
Consumers and soybean food
Mr Keun mentioned that the Soya Human Food Symposium is scheduled for the 16th of September 2021 and that it will be a virtual event.
Acquisition and Utilisation of Grains and Oilseeds
(Resolution 16.7.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 28/01/2021)
Mr Keun reported that progress was made with both the acquisition and the dispute resolution processes. The focus is currently on maize. The oil seeds will be addressed after finalisation of maize.
- That feedback be given at the next Forum meeting.
Mr Keun
- That feedback be given at the next Forum meeting.
Dispute Resolution Process
(Resolution 16.7.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 28/01/2021)
The matter was discussed during the previous discussion point (16.7).
Weekly producers' deliveries at SAGIS
(Resolution 17.1 of The Sunflower, Soybean and Soybean Food Forum of 28/01/2021)
Mr Keun mentioned that Messrs Lemmer and Hawkins and Ms Beukes excused themselves from the meeting because they must attend a meeting with Dr J Purchase of Agbiz Grain regarding the matter.
Mr Keun mentioned that Mr Lemmer requested that this matter be held in abeyance and that a report will be submitted as the possibility to implement a statutory measure was being investigated.
Dr Strydom mentioned that he had discussions with AgbizGrain and requested that it be done on a voluntary basis because it will be very expensive if it gets implemented as a statutory measure.
Ms Scheepers mentioned that DALRRD are glad to hear that there is support from the industry and that feedback will be given after the meeting referred to.
- That the matter be held in abeyance and that a report will be submitted regarding the weekly producers' deliveries.
Mr Lemmer
- That the matter be held in abeyance and that a report will be submitted regarding the weekly producers' deliveries.
Transport Differential: SAFEX
Dr Strydom gave feedback regarding the Soybean Transport Differential. He referred to the basis of implementation and also the discussions between the University of the Free State and the JSE/SAFEX in respect of an alternative model. Once progress has been made the JSE/SAFEX will host a more market orientated working group meeting to discuss the alternative models.
Dr R Karuaihe mentioned that there is nothing else to add to Dr D Strydom' feedback. He also mentioned that the market has some form of consensus and understand the need for transport differentials. The argument is mainly whether the differential is calculated correctly or if there are better methods to replace the current system. He also mentioned that they had a workshop the end of April to look at the current differentials and see if they can introduce new improvements. He referred to a possible workshop with grain transporters in order to understand their models and make improvements. He mentioned that it is work in progress.
JSE/SAFEX Feedback
Dr R Karuaihe gave feedback on the Soybean meal and Sunflower seeds oilcake contract that SAFEX have been working on together with the Oil Seeds Industry. They have been working together with the crushers, AFMA and SACOTA looking at the production levels resulting in the possibility to introduce a South African deliverable soymeal and oilcake contract as well. The mentioned parties have gone at length to agree on the product specification, contract specification and reference point. Consensus must still be reached on the method of delivery considering that the product like the meal has got a short shelf life and re-deliveries over periods of 12-24 months may be problematic.
The Chairperson thanked Dr Karuaihe for the feedback provided.
SACTA: Feedback
The Chairperson mentioned that Mr Heyns had to excuse himself and gave feedback on behalf of Mr Heyns.
The final levy collection rate for the previous soya marketing season was 92%. Currently the levy distribution between seed companies is being calculated.
For the current season SACTA invoiced 483 000 tons and expected to invoice 500 000 tons by the end of May. Last year SACTA had collected 23% of the final crop by the end of May whilst currently SACTA have collected 24,5% of the expected crop.
Regarding SACTA's transformation program it was noted that 1 686 ha of soybeans, 605ha of maize and 33 developing farmers were assisted. SACTA expected the program to expand quiet extensively and applications can be made until the 31st of July 2021.
Additional matters
SAGL: Crop Quality Database
The contents of the document, included as Annexure L, were noted.
Ms W Louw gave a presentation and brief overview with regards to the clean-up of the SAGL Crop Quality Database.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 5 October 2021.
There being no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 13h21.