Board of Trustees
Representatives of affected groups serving as Trustees during the 2022/23 financial year, appointed by the Oilseeds Advisory Committee (OAC), were as follows:
Mr AR Moosa (Chairperson)
Representative of the oilseeds processor's industry
Mr JD Boshoff (Vice-Chairperson)
Representative of the oilseeds trading industry
Dr A van der Vyver
Representative of the oilseeds trading industry
Mr DI Schutte
Representative of labour involved in the oilseeds industry
Mr RJ Küsel
Representative of the commercial producers of oilseeds
Ms J Dyer-Tselentis
Representative of the consumers of oilseeds and their products
Mr RE Monaisa
Representative of the developing producers of oilseeds
Ms UC Speirs
Representative of the Minister of Agriculture
Mr K Gaoraelwe
Representative of the Minister of Agriculture
Mr S Shandu
Representative of the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Ms D Makgatho-Mosehla
Representative of the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development