Archived List of Projects from 1997/1998 until 2023/2024




NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Exploring peanuts as a diverse food product in the mid and lower income group.Dr C Muller
Dr B Pretorius
Prof HC Schonfeldt
University of Pretoria (UP)
Monitoring and evaluation of herbicide resistant Amaranthus species in oilseed crops.Prof J Vorster
University of Pretoria (UP)
The effect of condensed Tannins from Acacia mearnsii on in vitro protein degradability and effect on lamb growth and profitability.Mr BW Featherstone
Stellenbosch University (SU)
Investigating the impact of environmental factors and inoculum load of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola on the efficacy of fungicide applications.Dr D Mostert
Stellenbosch University (SU)
An integrated approach to control S. Sclerotiorum on sunflower.Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Effects of planting dates and plant population of different groundnut cultivars different production regions under different cultivation conditions.Dr ZA Bello
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
The influence of planting density, timing of application and spray volume on deposition parameters of fungicides on canola in the Western Cape.Dr GJ Van Coller
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Evaluation of advanced oilseed and protein crops for the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape.Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Premature desiccation of sunflower to preserve at risk crop from Sclerotinia head rot.Dr LA Rothmann
University of the Free State (UFS)
An evaluation of the quality of locally processed soybean oilcake meal.Dr B Van Zyl
Stellenbosch University (SU)
O.A.C Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Production Potential for various crops in the Eastern Cape.Unknown M Delport
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Is additional nitrogen beneficial to soybeans (Glycine max. L) in different agro-ecologies of the Eastern Highveld?Mr B Nkutha
Proficiency testing scheme for sunflower seed and sunflower oilcake.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Investigate the effect of different planting dates on sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Exploring opinions about soya in the lower income groups.Dr C Muller
University of Pretoria (UP)
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha.Mr W Van Wyk
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
University of the Free State (UFS)
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEXMs W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield.Dr N Creux
University of Pretoria (UP)
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality.Dr SH Ma'ali
Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa.Prof TAS Aveling
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts.Dr S Steenkamp
Prof D Fourie
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN).Dr M Human
Grain SA
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Proficiency testing scheme for sunflower seed and sunflower oilcake.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Investigate the effect of different planting dates on sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Exploring opinions about soya in the lower income groups.Dr C Muller
University of Pretoria (UP)
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality.Dr SH Ma'ali
Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa.Prof TAS Aveling
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEXMs W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
University of the Free State (UFS)
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha.Mr W Van Wyk
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield.Dr N Creux
University of Pretoria (UP)
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts.Dr S Steenkamp
Prof D Fourie
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN).Dr M Human
Grain SA
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Soybean Yield Loss Calculator App.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality.Dr SH Ma'ali
Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield.Dr N Creux
University of Pretoria (UP)
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEXMs W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Canola Yield Loss Calculator App.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
University of the Free State (UFS)
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa.Prof TAS Aveling
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha.Mr W Van Wyk
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Sunflower Quality Report.Ms M Delport
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Key drivers of quality of soybean products for feed use in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts.Dr S Steenkamp
Prof D Fourie
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
GFADA Projects.No Institute
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN).Dr M Human
Grain SA
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption.Dr H Vermeulen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State.Mr JP Van Zyl
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa.Prof TAS Aveling
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Canola Yield Loss Calculator App.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha.Mr W Van Wyk
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEXMs W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield.Dr N Creux
University of Pretoria (UP)
Sunflower Quality Report.Ms M Delport
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Quantifying the impact of reduced import tariffs on soybeans and soybean meal on the South African soya value chain.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality.Dr SH Ma'ali
Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Key drivers of quality of soybean products for feed use in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
University of the Free State (UFS)
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN).Dr M Human
Grain SA
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption.Dr H Vermeulen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts.Dr S Steenkamp
Prof D Fourie
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
GFADA Projects.No Institute
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system.Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State.Mr JP Van Zyl
Mentoring of groundnut farmers.Ms J McPherson
Grain SA
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower.Prof MD Laing
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo).Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers.Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption.Dr H Vermeulen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN).Dr M Human
Grain SA
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts.Dr S Steenkamp
Prof D Fourie
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
GFADA Projects.No Institute
The South African Groundnut Forum. The Groundnut Value Chain - updated 2019.Mr G Burgh
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system.Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Needs assessment of smallholders' soy knowledge for farming training.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
Collage of Nutritional Sciences
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State.Mr JP Van Zyl
Mentoring of groundnut farmers.Ms J McPherson
Grain SA
Groundnut Elite Trials.Mr JR Etherington
Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI)
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%.Mr N Wegner
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower.Prof MD Laing
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo).Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers.Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Evaluation of soybean cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars.Dr SH Ma'ali
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system.Ms AS de Beer
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State.Mr JP Van Zyl
Needs assessment of smallholders' soy knowledge for farming training.Prof W Oldewage-Theron
Collage of Nutritional Sciences
Groundnut Elite Trials.Mr JR Etherington
Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI)
Mentoring of groundnut farmers.Ms J McPherson
Grain SA
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%.Mr N Wegner
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers.Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo).Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower.Prof MD Laing
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Mentoring of groundnut farmers.Ms J McPherson
Grain SA
Groundnut Elite Trials.Mr JR Etherington
Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI)
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%.Mr N Wegner
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower.Prof MD Laing
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo).Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers.Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower.Prof MD Laing
University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo).Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers.Prof AA Egal
Vaal University of Technology (VUT)
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats.Dr J Strauss
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
The South African Sunflower Complex.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa.Dr SC Lamprecht
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Elite soybean trials.Mr W Van Wyk
Mr GP De Beer
Protein Research Foundation (PRF)
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Income and Cost Budgets.Unknown D Van der Westhuizen
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches.Prof T Brand
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola).Mr PJA Lombard
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC).Dr M Lubinga
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Determining the area of arable land suited to canola production in the Western Cape.Dr MB Hardy
Mr MG Wallace
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
The South African Sunflower Complex.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Determining the area of arable land suited to canola production in the Western Cape.Dr MB Hardy
Mr MG Wallace
Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA)
The South African Sunflower Complex.Prof F Meyer
Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP)
South African soybean seed crop quality survey.Ms W Louw
Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL)
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Bursary Scheme.OAC/OPDT
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Information Project. South African Grain Information ServiceSouth African Grain Information Service (SAGIS)
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability.Mr H Davies
Eden Social Development Foundation
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring.Mr N Vermaak
Grain SA


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Nothing listed yet.


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Nothing listed yet.


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies.Prof NW McLaren
University of the Free State (UFS)


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies.Prof NW McLaren
University of the Free State (UFS)
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies.Dr FG Adriaanse
Mr CJJ Schmidt
Mr HJ Venter
Mr W Deale
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies.Prof NW McLaren
University of the Free State (UFS)
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies.Dr FG Adriaanse
Mr CJJ Schmidt
Mr HJ Venter
Mr W Deale
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Bepaling van werklike toename in persentasie gesplete pitte vanaf beskadigde pitte tot by punt van uitvoer en moontlike oplossings ter vermindering van gesplete pitte.Mr N Wegner
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Evaluasie van mikorisa om onder toestande van lae grondvrugbaarheid die opname van voedingselemente te bevorder vir verbeterde groei en opbrengs van sojabone.Dr DJ Beukes
Mr B Bouwman
Ms JF Bloem
ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC-ISCW)
Development of an ELISA to a Rhabdovirus of soybeans.Dr G Pietersen
Mr AEC Jooste
Mr GGF Kasdorf
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Die invloed van onkruiddoders op sojaboon-produksie in wisselboustelsels.Ms JF Bloem
Mr B Bouwman
Mr HR Meinhardt
Mr M Marais
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies.Dr FG Adriaanse
Mr CJJ Schmidt
Mr HJ Venter
Mr W Deale
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Bepaling van werklike toename in persentasie gesplete pitte vanaf beskadigde pitte tot by punt van uitvoer en moontlike oplossings ter vermindering van gesplete pitte.Mr N Wegner
Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB)
Evaluasie van mikorisa om onder toestande van lae grondvrugbaarheid die opname van voedingselemente te bevorder vir verbeterde groei en opbrengs van sojabone.Dr DJ Beukes
Mr B Bouwman
Ms JF Bloem
ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC-ISCW)
Development of an ELISA to a Rhabdovirus of soybeans.Dr G Pietersen
Mr AEC Jooste
Mr GGF Kasdorf
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Die invloed van onkruiddoders op sojaboon-produksie in wisselboustelsels.Ms JF Bloem
Mr B Bouwman
Mr HR Meinhardt
Mr M Marais
ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI)
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies.Dr FG Adriaanse
Mr CJJ Schmidt
Mr HJ Venter
Mr W Deale
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)


NoTitle of ProjectResearcherInstitution
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies.Dr FG Adriaanse
Mr CJJ Schmidt
Mr HJ Venter
Mr W Deale
ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI)