Archived List of Projects from 1997/1998 until 2023/2024
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Exploring peanuts as a diverse food product in the mid and lower income group. | Dr C Muller Dr B Pretorius Prof HC Schonfeldt | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Monitoring and evaluation of herbicide resistant Amaranthus species in oilseed crops. | Prof J Vorster | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
The effect of condensed Tannins from Acacia mearnsii on in vitro protein degradability and effect on lamb growth and profitability. | Mr BW Featherstone | Stellenbosch University (SU) | |
Investigating the impact of environmental factors and inoculum load of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola on the efficacy of fungicide applications. | Dr D Mostert | Stellenbosch University (SU) | |
An integrated approach to control S. Sclerotiorum on sunflower. | Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Effects of planting dates and plant population of different groundnut cultivars different production regions under different cultivation conditions. | Dr ZA Bello | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
The influence of planting density, timing of application and spray volume on deposition parameters of fungicides on canola in the Western Cape. | Dr GJ Van Coller | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Evaluation of advanced oilseed and protein crops for the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape. | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Premature desiccation of sunflower to preserve at risk crop from Sclerotinia head rot. | Dr LA Rothmann | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
An evaluation of the quality of locally processed soybean oilcake meal. | Dr B Van Zyl | Stellenbosch University (SU) | |
O.A.C Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Production Potential for various crops in the Eastern Cape. | Unknown M Delport | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Is additional nitrogen beneficial to soybeans (Glycine max. L) in different agro-ecologies of the Eastern Highveld? | Mr B Nkutha | VKB (VKB) | |
Proficiency testing scheme for sunflower seed and sunflower oilcake. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Investigate the effect of different planting dates on sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Exploring opinions about soya in the lower income groups. | Dr C Muller | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha. | Mr W Van Wyk | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEX | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield. | Dr N Creux | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality. | Dr SH Ma'ali Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa. | Prof TAS Aveling | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts. | Dr S Steenkamp Prof D Fourie | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Proficiency testing scheme for sunflower seed and sunflower oilcake. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Investigate the effect of different planting dates on sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Exploring opinions about soya in the lower income groups. | Dr C Muller | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality. | Dr SH Ma'ali Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa. | Prof TAS Aveling | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEX | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha. | Mr W Van Wyk | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield. | Dr N Creux | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts. | Dr S Steenkamp Prof D Fourie | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Soybean Yield Loss Calculator App. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality. | Dr SH Ma'ali Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield. | Dr N Creux | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEX | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Canola Yield Loss Calculator App. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa. | Prof TAS Aveling | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha. | Mr W Van Wyk | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Sunflower Quality Report. | Ms M Delport | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Key drivers of quality of soybean products for feed use in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts. | Dr S Steenkamp Prof D Fourie | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
GFADA Projects. | No Institute | ||
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption. | Dr H Vermeulen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State. | Mr JP Van Zyl | VKB (VKB) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Epidemiology and control of Phoma black stem and Alternaria leaf of sunflower in South Africa. | Prof TAS Aveling | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Canola Yield Loss Calculator App. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
The influence of potassium on the yield of soybean and the amount of potassium removed by 1 ton soybean/ha. | Mr W Van Wyk | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
SAGL Business Plan: CAPEX | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Proposed planting of Soybean: Department of Agriculture, Escourt & Newcastle. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Determine the drivers and impact of sunflower seed quality in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Assessing the effect of planting date and environment on sunflower development, Sclerotinia head rot and yield. | Dr N Creux | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Sunflower Quality Report. | Ms M Delport | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Quantifying the impact of reduced import tariffs on soybeans and soybean meal on the South African soya value chain. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality. | Dr SH Ma'ali Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Key drivers of quality of soybean products for feed use in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption. | Dr H Vermeulen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts. | Dr S Steenkamp Prof D Fourie | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
GFADA Projects. | No Institute | ||
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system. | Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State. | Mr JP Van Zyl | VKB (VKB) | |
Mentoring of groundnut farmers. | Ms J McPherson | Grain SA | |
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower. | Prof MD Laing | University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) | |
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo). | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers. | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
An analysis of the Market for Soya Products for Human Consumption. | Dr H Vermeulen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
Investigation of the aggressive, seedborne nematode species Robustodorus arachidis n. comb on Groundnuts. | Dr S Steenkamp Prof D Fourie | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
GFADA Projects. | No Institute | ||
The South African Groundnut Forum. The Groundnut Value Chain - updated 2019. | Mr G Burgh | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
An overview of derived soy products used for human consumption in South Africa. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system. | Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Needs assessment of smallholders' soy knowledge for farming training. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | Collage of Nutritional Sciences | |
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State. | Mr JP Van Zyl | VKB (VKB) | |
Mentoring of groundnut farmers. | Ms J McPherson | Grain SA | |
Groundnut Elite Trials. | Mr JR Etherington | Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI) | |
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%. | Mr N Wegner | Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) | |
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower. | Prof MD Laing | University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) | |
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo). | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers. | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Promotion of soybean and groundnuts in a crop rotation system. | Ms AS de Beer | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
The influence of planting date and row width on recommended planting density and yield of soya beans in the North Eastern Free State. | Mr JP Van Zyl | VKB (VKB) | |
Needs assessment of smallholders' soy knowledge for farming training. | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | Collage of Nutritional Sciences | |
Groundnut Elite Trials. | Mr JR Etherington | Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI) | |
Mentoring of groundnut farmers. | Ms J McPherson | Grain SA | |
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%. | Mr N Wegner | Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) | |
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers. | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo). | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower. | Prof MD Laing | University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Mentoring of groundnut farmers. | Ms J McPherson | Grain SA | |
Groundnut Elite Trials. | Mr JR Etherington | Microbial Biological Fertilizers International (MBFI) | |
To determine Groundnut quality at moisture levels between 7% and 10% and the foreign matter weight loss from 18% to 7%. | Mr N Wegner | Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) | |
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower. | Prof MD Laing | University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) | |
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo). | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers. | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Biological control of Sclerotinia of sunflower. | Prof MD Laing | University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) | |
Promoting household production and processing of soybean as major source of quality protein (Limpopo). | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Addressing food insecurity by supporting economic growth for emerging farmers. | Prof AA Egal | Vaal University of Technology (VUT) | |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Evaluation of shortened canola production periods and the use of alternative crops on the sustainability of winter grain production under conservation agricultural practices in the Riversdale flats. | Dr J Strauss | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
The South African Sunflower Complex. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
The role of seedling diseases in poor establishment of sunflower in South Africa. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Elite soybean trials. | Mr W Van Wyk Mr GP De Beer | Protein Research Foundation (PRF) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. | Unknown D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
The evaluation of locally produced full-fat canola and canola oilcake meal as protein sources in diets for slaughter ostriches. | Prof T Brand | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Determining the area of arable land suited to canola production in the Western Cape. | Dr MB Hardy Mr MG Wallace | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
The South African Sunflower Complex. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Determining the area of arable land suited to canola production in the Western Cape. | Dr MB Hardy Mr MG Wallace | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
The South African Sunflower Complex. | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Website. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Bursary Scheme. | OAC/OPDT | ||
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Nothing listed yet. |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Nothing listed yet. |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies. | Prof NW McLaren | University of the Free State (UFS) |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies. | Prof NW McLaren | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies. | Dr FG Adriaanse Mr CJJ Schmidt Mr HJ Venter Mr W Deale | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Soybean Rust: Risk analysis, loss assessment and quantification of the epidemiological value of intervention technologies. | Prof NW McLaren | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies. | Dr FG Adriaanse Mr CJJ Schmidt Mr HJ Venter Mr W Deale | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Bepaling van werklike toename in persentasie gesplete pitte vanaf beskadigde pitte tot by punt van uitvoer en moontlike oplossings ter vermindering van gesplete pitte. | Mr N Wegner | Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) | |
Evaluasie van mikorisa om onder toestande van lae grondvrugbaarheid die opname van voedingselemente te bevorder vir verbeterde groei en opbrengs van sojabone. | Dr DJ Beukes Mr B Bouwman Ms JF Bloem | ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC-ISCW) | |
Development of an ELISA to a Rhabdovirus of soybeans. | Dr G Pietersen Mr AEC Jooste Mr GGF Kasdorf | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Die invloed van onkruiddoders op sojaboon-produksie in wisselboustelsels. | Ms JF Bloem Mr B Bouwman Mr HR Meinhardt Mr M Marais | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies. | Dr FG Adriaanse Mr CJJ Schmidt Mr HJ Venter Mr W Deale | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Bepaling van werklike toename in persentasie gesplete pitte vanaf beskadigde pitte tot by punt van uitvoer en moontlike oplossings ter vermindering van gesplete pitte. | Mr N Wegner | Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) | |
Evaluasie van mikorisa om onder toestande van lae grondvrugbaarheid die opname van voedingselemente te bevorder vir verbeterde groei en opbrengs van sojabone. | Dr DJ Beukes Mr B Bouwman Ms JF Bloem | ARC-Institute for Soil, Climate and Water (ARC-ISCW) | |
Development of an ELISA to a Rhabdovirus of soybeans. | Dr G Pietersen Mr AEC Jooste Mr GGF Kasdorf | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Die invloed van onkruiddoders op sojaboon-produksie in wisselboustelsels. | Ms JF Bloem Mr B Bouwman Mr HR Meinhardt Mr M Marais | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies. | Dr FG Adriaanse Mr CJJ Schmidt Mr HJ Venter Mr W Deale | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) |
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Grondvrugbaarheidsbehoeftes van sojabone in rotasie met mielies. | Dr FG Adriaanse Mr CJJ Schmidt Mr HJ Venter Mr W Deale | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) |