Approved Projects for 2023/2024
No | Title of Project | Researcher | Institution |
Advanced Farmer Input Support - Insurance, soil correction and mentorship. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA | |
An integrated approach to control S. Sclerotiorum on sunflower. | Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Creating job opportunities in Soy planting and micro and macro Soy agro processing businesses to warrant food sustainability. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Mr H Davies | Eden Social Development Foundation | |
Cultivar evaluation of oil and protein seeds in the winter rain fall region (canola). | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Determining the race structure and genetic diversity of Leptosphaeria species causing blackleg disease of canola in the Western Cape. | Dr D Mostert | Stellenbosch University (SU) | |
Effect of fertilization and Sclerotinia on sunflower yield and quality. | Dr BJ Janse van Rensburg Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Effects of planting dates and plant population of different groundnut cultivars different production regions under different cultivation conditions. | Dr ZA Bello | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of advanced oilseed and protein crops for the winter rainfall region of the Western Cape. | Mr PJA Lombard | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Evaluation of commercially available sunflower cultivars. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Evaluation of soybean cultivars. | Ms AS de Beer Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Farmer Development Programme: Training; Pula/Imvula; Trials and Mentoring. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Mr N Vermaak | Grain SA | |
Farmer Support for Sunflower Farmers in the Free State and North West. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Mr A Kole | FarmSol | |
Funding of Supply and Demand Estimates Committee (SDEC). | Dr M Lubinga | National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) | |
Income and Cost Budgets. JOINT PROJECT | D Van der Westhuizen | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Information Project. South African Grain Information Service | South African Grain Information Service (SAGIS) | ||
Investigate the effect of different planting dates on sunflower seed yield and oil content at Free State and North West. | Dr SH Ma'ali | ARC-Grain Crops Institute (ARC-GCI) | |
Investigating the impact of environmental factors and inoculum load of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola on the efficacy of fungicide applications. | Dr D Mostert | Stellenbosch University (SU) | |
Is additional nitrogen beneficial to soybeans (Glycine max. L) in different agro-ecologies of the Eastern Highveld? JOINT PROJECT | Mr B Nkutha | VKB (VKB) | |
Monitoring and evaluation of herbicide resistant Amaranthus species in oilseed crops. | Prof J Vorster | University of Pretoria (UP) | |
Monitoring of Sclerotinia Stem Rot of canola in the Western Cape. | Mrs L Nowers | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Nutritious snack multimix development for addressing under and over nutrition and promoting small, medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMME's) in low-income communities. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Prof W Oldewage-Theron | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
O.A.C Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation. TRANSFORMATION PROJECT | Prof F Meyer | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) | |
Premature desiccation of sunflower to preserve at risk crop from Sclerotinia head rot. | Dr LA Rothmann | University of the Free State (UFS) | |
Proficiency Testing scheme for soybeans and soybean meal. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Proficiency testing scheme for sunflower seed and sunflower oilcake. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
South African Sclerotinia Research Network (SASRN). | Dr M Human | Grain SA | |
South African soybean seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
South African sunflower seed crop quality survey. | Ms W Louw | Southern African Grain Laboratory (SAGL) | |
Sudden death syndrome of soybean in South Africa: etiology, detection and management. | Dr SC Lamprecht | ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute (ARC-PPRI) | |
The influence of planting density, timing of application and spray volume on deposition parameters of fungicides on canola in the Western Cape. | Dr GJ Van Coller | Department of Agriculture: Western Cape (WCDA) | |
Website. | OAC/OPDT |