INCOME & COST BUDGETS  //  Summer Crops 2020/2021

Eastern Free State – dryland

Income and cost budgets for maize, soybeans, sunflower and dry beans for Eastern Free State
Crop Maize Soybeans Sunflower Dry beans
Production system Dryland

1. Income

Yield: deterministic Ton/ha 5.50 2.00 1.80 1.50
SAFEX simulated price / producer price: 2021 R/ton 2 633 5 897 5 979 11 500
Total deductions R/ton 379 143 359 359
– Transport differential R/ton 319 266
– Grade differential R/ton
– Marketing and handling R/ton 60 143 93 359
Price premiums R/ton
Net farm gate price R/ton 2 254 5 754 5 620 11 141
Gross income R/ha R12 396 R11 508 R10 115 R16 711

2. Variable expenditures

Contracting R/ha 1 235
Crop insurance R/ha 372 1 151 506 1 471
Fertilizer R/ha 2 486 1 458 878 1 327
Lime R/ha 541 460
Seed R/ha 1 548 1 090 708 3 551
Fuel R/ha 946 747 715 655
Herbicide R/ha 888 882 1 097 1 364
Insecticide / Fungicides R/ha 562 671 155 1 276
Marketing costs R/ha
Repairs and maintenance R/ha 836 768 751 727
Casual labour R/ha 178 1 834
Aerial spray R/ha
Other expenditure R/ha 302 125
Total variable expenditure R/ha R8 357 R7 070 R4 810 R14 025
Total variable expenditure R/ton R1 519 R3 535 R2 672 R9 350
3.1 Gross margin R/ha R4 039 R4 438 R5 306 R2 685
3.2 Gross margin R/ton R734 R2 219 R2 948 R1 790
Break-even yield T/ha 3.71 1.23 0.86 1.26
Break-even price R/ton R1 519 R3 535 R2 672 R9 350
Source: BFAP, GSA, VKB and individual farmers – 2020.
Gross margin comparison – baseline: Eastern Free State
Figure 2.3: Gross margin comparison – Baseline: Eastern Free State

Gross margin per hectare: Eastern Free State

Maize sensitivity analysis
Yield (t/ha)
Producers price 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00
R1 854 -942 -15 912 1 839 2 766 3 693 4 619
R1 954 -542 435 1 412 2 389 3 366 4 343 5 319
R2 054 -142 885 1 912 2 939 3 966 4 993 6 019
R2 154 258 1 335 2 412 3 489 4 566 5 643 6 719
R2 254 658 1 785 2 912 4 039 5 166 6 293 7 419
R2 354 1 058 2 235 3 412 4 589 5 766 6 943 8 119
R2 454 1 458 2 685 3 912 5 139 6 366 7 593 8 819
R2 554 1 858 3 135 4 412 5 689 6 966 8 243 9 519
R2 654 2 258 3 585 4 912 6 239 7 566 8 893 10 219
Soybeans sensitivity analysis
Yield (t/ha)
Producers price 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75
R5 354 -377 961 2 300 3 638 4 977 6 315 7 654
R5 454 -252 1 111 2 475 3 838 5 202 6 565 7 929
R5 554 -127 1 261 2 650 4 038 5 427 6 815 8 204
R5 654 -2 1 411 2 825 4 238 5 652 7 065 8 479
R5 754 123 1 561 3 000 4 438 5 877 7 315 8 754
R5 854 248 1 711 3 175 4 638 6 102 7 565 9 029
R5 954 373 1 861 3 350 4 838 6 327 7 815 9 304
R6 054 498 2 011 3 525 5 038 6 552 8 065 9 579
R6 154 623 2 161 3 700 5 238 6 777 8 315 9 854
Sunflower sensitivity analysis
Yield (t/ha)
Producers price 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.50
R5 220 410 1 715 3 020 4 586 5 630 6 935 8 240
R5 320 510 1 840 3 170 4 766 5 830 7 160 8 490
R5 420 610 1 965 3 320 4 946 6 030 7 385 8 740
R5 520 710 2 090 3 470 5 126 6 230 7 610 8 990
R5 620 810 2 215 3 620 5 306 6 430 7 835 9 240
R5 720 910 2 340 3 770 5 486 6 630 8 060 9 490
R5 820 1 010 2 465 3 920 5 666 6 830 8 285 9 740
R5 920 1 110 2 590 4 070 5 846 7 030 8 510 9 990
R6 020 1 210 2 715 4 220 6 026 7 230 8 735 10 240
Soybeans margin above/below maize
Yield Price (R/ton)
R5 454 R5 554 R5 654 R5 754 R5 854 R5 954 R6 054
1.00 -5 655 -5 555 -5 455 -5 355 -5 255 -5 155 -5 055
1.25 -4 291 -4 166 -4 041 -3 916 -3 791 -3 666 -3 541
1.50 -2 928 -2 778 -2 628 -2 478 -2 328 -2 178 -2 028
1.75 -1 564 -1 389 -1 214 -1 039 -864 -689 -514
2.00 -200 -0 200 400 600 800 1 000
2.25 1 163 1 388 1 613 1 838 2 063 2 288 2 513
2.50 2 517 2 777 3 027 3 277 3 527 3 777 4 027
2.75 3 890 4 165 4 440 4 715 4 990 5 265 5 540
3.00 5 254 5 554 5 854 6 154 6 454 6 754 7 054


  • The cost items reflect the input allocation based on the target yield for the respective crops.
  • Although some expenditure items are zero, it is reflected in the budgets to allow for individual inclusion.
  • Fertiliser assumptions (kg/ha): Maize N:P:K – 83:26:13. Soybeans N:P:K – 14:21:28. Sunflower N:P:K – 35:8:8. Dry beans N:P:K – 40:15:20.
  • Other macro- and microelements such as calcium, magnesium and zinc are included in the fertiliser costs.
  • The cost of fuel includes pre-harvest and harvesting costs with the assumption that own machinery is used.
  • The cost for soybean seed reflects a combination of own and purchased seed.
  • There will be large fluctuations for insurance cost (hail) based on the associated risk in respective areas. It is advised that producers adjust this cost based on their individual premiums.
  • It is important to note that overhead costs are not included and should be accounted for.
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