Winter cereals: fifth production forecast (2021)
Wintergewasse: vierde produksieskatting (2021)
Winter cereals / Wintergewasse

Estimates courtecy of the Crop Estimates Committee
Syfers deur die Oesskattingskomitee verskaf
Crop / Gewas | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Fifth forecast Vyfde skatting |
Fourth forecast Vierde skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
Change / Verandering |
Ha | Tons | Tons | Ha | Tons | % | |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (B) ÷ (C) | |
Commercial / Kommersieël | ||||||
Wheat / Koring | 523 500 | 2 153 435 | 2 117 435 | 509 800 | 2 120 000 | +1.70 |
Malting barley / Moutgars | 94 730 | 339 800 | 339 800 | 141 690 | 588 000 | – |
Canola | 100 000 | 190 000 | 190 000 | 74 120 | 165 200 | – |
Cereal oats / Hawermout | 36 250 | 80 450 | 80 450 | 26 200 | 57 000 | – |
Sweet lupins / Soetlupine | 22 000 | 29 700 | 30 800 | N/A | N/A | -3.57 |
Note: Estimate is for calendar year, for example production season 2020/2021 = 2021
Nota: Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, byvoorbeeld produksie-seisoen 2020/2021 = 2021
Province / Provinsie | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Fifth forecast Vyfde skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
Ha | Tons | Ha | Tons | |
2021 | 2021 | 2020 | 2020 | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | 360 000 | 1 188 000 | 326 000 | 1 103 000 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 35 500 | 259 150 | 37 000 | 271 950 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 70 000 | 346 500 | 94 000 | 413 600 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | 3 800 | 24 700 | 4 000 | 26 000 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 8 500 | 53 125 | 7 800 | 48 360 |
Mpumalanga | 4 100 | 27 060 | 3 000 | 19 500 |
Limpopo | 26 500 | 164 300 | 23 000 | 147 200 |
Gauteng | 1 100 | 6 600 | 1 300 | 8 190 |
North West / Noordwes | 14 000 | 84 000 | 13 700 | 82 200 |
Total / Totaal | 523 500 | 2 153 435 | 509 800 | 2 120 000 |
Production 2010-2021 Produksie
Yield 2010-2021 Opbrengs
Winter cereal crops / Wintergewasse
Area planted and fifth production forecast / Oppervlakte- en vyfde produksieskatting
Winter cereal crops – 2021
The expected production of wheat is 2,153 million tons, which is 1,70% or 36 000 tons more than the previous forecast of 2,117 million tons, whilst the expected yield is 4,11 t/ha. This is the largest expected wheat crop produced since 2002, when it was 2,427 million tons.
The expected production in the Western Cape is 1,188 million tons (55%), in the Free State 346 500 tons (16%) and in the Northern Cape 259 150 tons (12%).
Other crops
The production forecast for malting barley remained unchanged at 339 800 tons. The area planted is estimated at 94 730 ha, while the expected yield is 3,59 t/ha.
The expected canola crop also remained unchanged at 190 000 tons. This is the largest expected canola crop produced in the history of SA. The area estimate for canola is 100 000 ha, with an expected yield of 1,90 t/ha.
The expected crop for oats (cereals) for the 2021 season is 80 450 tons and the area planted is 36 250 ha. The expected yield is 2,22 t/ha.
In the case of sweet lupines, the production forecast decreased slightly by 3,57% or 1 100 tons, from 30 800 tons to 29 700 tons. The area estimate of sweet lupines is 22 000 ha, with an expected yield of 1,35 t/ha.
Please note that the sixth production forecast for winter cereals for 2021 will be released on 27 January 2022.
Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.
Wintergewasse – 2021
Die verwagte produksie vir koring is 2,153 miljoen ton, wat 1,70% of 36 000 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 2,117 miljoen ton, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 4,11 t/ha is. Dit is die grootste verwagte koringoes sedert 2002, toe dit 2,427 miljoen ton was.
Die verwagte produksie in die Wes-Kaap is 1,188 miljoen ton (55%), in die Vrystaat 346 500 ton (16%) en in die Noord-Kaap 259 150 ton (12%).
Ander gewasse
Die produksieskatting vir moutgars is onveranderd gelaat op 339 800 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant word beraam op 94 730 ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 3,59 t/ha beloop.
Die verwagte canola-oes is ook onveranderd gelaat op 190 000 ton. Dit is die grootste canola-oes wat nόg geproduseer is in die geskiedenis van SA. Die oppervlakteskatting vir canola is 100 000 ha, met 'n verwagte opbrengs van 1,90 t/ha.
Die verwagte oes vir hawer (ontbytgraan) vir die 2021-seisoen is 80 450 ton en die oppervlakteskatting is 36 250 ton. Die verwagte opbrengs is 2,22 t/ha.
In die geval van soetlupine is die produksieskatting effens verlaag met 3,57% of 1 100 ton, van 30 800 ton na 29 700 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant met soetlupine is 22 000 ha, en die verwagte opbrengs is 1,35 t/ha.
Neem asseblief kennis dat die sesde produksieskatting vir wintergewasse vir 2021 op 27 Januarie 2022 vrygestel sal word.
Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.
CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUES that CEC members are committed to adhere to on the day of the meeting
- Personal items such as laptops, handbags, cell phones, etc. are not allowed in the venue during the meeting.
- No member is allowed to leave the meeting before 12:00 in order to prevent disclosure of the information.
- The embargo time for the release of crop estimates information is 15:30.
- No member is allowed to discuss crop estimates information with anyone other than a member of the Committee before the embargo time.
- Only the Chairperson, or a member appointed by the Chairperson, may release the figures to the media.
- Members must regard the detail of any information that was collected for and/or discussed during the meeting, as confidential.
- Individual information received for crop estimate purposes is treated strictly confidential, and is not divulged for any other purposes.