Preliminary area planted estimate for summer crops and area estimate and sixth production forecast for winter cereals / Voorlopige oppervlakteskatting vir somergewasse en oppervlakte en sesde produksieskatting vir wintergewasse
Summer crops
Winter cereals
- Winter cereals / Wintergewasse
- Wheat / Koring
- Graph: Wheat production / Grafiek: Koring produksie
- Graph: Malting barley / Grafiek: Moutgars
- Graph: Canola / Grafiek: Canola
- Notes / Aantekeninge

Syfers deur die Oesskattingskomitee verskaf
Crop / Gewas | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Intentions ¹ Voorneme ¹ |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate Finale skatting |
Change Verandering |
2018 | 2018 | 2017 | 2017 | ||
Ha | Ha | Ha | Tons | % | |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (A) ÷ (C) | |
Commercial / Kommersieël | |||||
White maize / Witmielies | 1 284 700 | 1 404 100 | 1 643 100 | 9 892 750 | -21.8 |
Yellow maize / Geelmielies | 1 024 500 | 1 066 300 | 985 500 | 6 851 250 | +4.0 |
Total Maize / Totale Mielies | 2 309 200 | 2 470 400 | 2 628 600 | 16 744 000 | -12.2 |
Sunflower seed / Sonneblomsaad | 560 100 | 665 500 | 635 750 | 874 595 | -11.9 |
Soybeans / Sojabone | 701 000 | 720 000 | 573 950 | 1 316 370 | +22.1 |
Groundnuts / Grondbone | 53 000 | 65 500 | 56 000 | 92 050 | -5.4 |
Sorghum | 25 000 | 43 700 | 42 350 | 151 335 | -41.0 |
Dry beans / Droëbone | 52 000 | 60 000 | 45 050 | 68 525 | +15.4 |
Total / Totaal | 3 700 300 | 4 025 100 | 3 981 700 | 19 246 875 | -7.1 |
¹ As mid-October 2017 / soos middel Oktober 2017.
Note: Estimate is for calendar year, e.g. production season 2017/18 = 2018
Nota: Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, bv. produksie-seisoen 2017/18 = 2018
Area planted 2008-2018 Oppervlakte beplant
Area planted 2008-2018 Oppervlakte beplant
Area planted 2008-2018 Oppervlakte beplant
Preliminary area planted Voorlopige oppervlakte beplant |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate ¹ Finale skatting ¹ |
2018 | 2017 | 2017 | ||||||
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Tons | Tons | Tons |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | ||||||||
0 | 1 500 | 1 500 | 200 | 2 000 | 2 200 | 2 000 | 20 000 | 22 000 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | ||||||||
2 700 | 43 000 | 45 700 | 3 500 | 45 000 | 48 500 | 46 200 | 657 000 | 703 200 |
Free State / Vrystaat | ||||||||
620 000 | 405 000 | 1 025 000 | 805 000 | 355 000 | 1 160 000 | 5 111 750 | 2 218 750 | 7 330 500 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | ||||||||
4 000 | 9 000 | 13 000 | 4 400 | 9 500 | 13 900 | 30 800 | 66 500 | 97 300 |
KwaZulu-Natal | ||||||||
40 000 | 47 000 | 87 000 | 50 000 | 50 000 | 100 000 | 350 000 | 385 000 | 735 000 |
Mpumalanga | ||||||||
133 000 | 330 000 | 463 000 | 160 000 | 330 000 | 490 000 | 1 088 000 | 2 343 000 | 3 431 000 |
Limpopo | ||||||||
25 000 | 22 000 | 47 000 | 40 000 | 24 000 | 64 000 | 300 000 | 192 000 | 492 000 |
Gauteng | ||||||||
50 000 | 62 000 | 112 000 | 60 000 | 60 000 | 120 000 | 390 000 | 408 000 | 798 000 |
North West / Noordwes | ||||||||
410 000 | 105 000 | 515 000 | 520 000 | 110 000 | 630 000 | 2 574 000 | 561 000 | 3 135 000 |
Total / Totaal | ||||||||
1 284 000 | 1 024 500 | 2 309 200 | 1 643 100 | 985 500 | 2 628 600 | 9 892 750 | 6 851 250 | 16 744 000 |
¹ 28 September 2017
Province / Provinsie | Preliminary area planted Voorlopige oppervlakte beplant |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate Finale skatting |
Ha | Ha | Tons | |
2018 | 2017 | 2017 | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | - | - | - |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 100 | 250 | 375 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 310 000 | 330 000 | 478 500 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | - | - | - |
KwaZulu-Natal | - | 300 | 300 |
Mpumalanga | 2 000 | 2 200 | 2 420 |
Limpopo | 75 000 | 90 000 | 85 500 |
Gauteng | 3 000 | 3 000 | 3 000 |
North West / Noordwes | 170 000 | 210 000 | 304 500 |
Total / Totaal | 560 100 | 635 750 | 874 595 |
Province / Provinsie | Preliminary area planted Voorlopige oppervlakte beplant |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate Finale skatting |
Ha | Ha | Tons | |
2018 | 2017 | 2017 | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | 300 | 700 | 1 050 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 3 500 | 3 000 | 10 500 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 310 000 | 240 000 | 504 000 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | 2 000 | 1 850 | 2 775 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 35 000 | 30 500 | 89 975 |
Mpumalanga | 275 000 | 241 000 | 554 300 |
Limpopo | 15 000 | 8 500 | 29 750 |
Gauteng | 30 700 | 25 400 | 71 120 |
North West / Noordwes | 30 000 | 23 000 | 52 900 |
Total / Totaal | 701 000 | 573 950 | 1 316 370 |
Summer crops / Somergewasse
Preliminary area estimate of summer crops (2018) / Voorlopige oppervlakteskatting vir somergewasse (2018)
Summer field crops – 2018
The preliminary area estimate of today is mainly based on the results of a non-probability survey conducted by the Directorate: Statistics and Economic Analysis of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Less favorable rainfall and warm temperatures in the western producing areas over the past few weeks prevented producers from planting their intended area with summer crops, especially in the Free State and North West provinces.
The revised area planted and production figures, which will be released by the Crop Estimates Committee on 27 February 2018, will mainly be based, on information obtained from the Producer Independent Crop Estimation System (PICES) survey for the Northern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Gauteng and North West provinces.
Commercial maize: The preliminary area estimate for maize is 2,309 million ha, which is 12,15% or 319 400 ha less than the 2,629 million ha planted for the previous season, and also 6,53% or 161 200 ha less than the intentions to plant figure of 2,470 million ha released in October 2017.
The preliminary area estimate for white maize is 1,285 million ha, which represents a decrease of 21,81% or 358 400 ha compared to the 1,643 million ha planted last season. In the case of yellow maize the area estimate is 1,024 million ha, which is 3,96% or 39 000 ha more than the 985 500 ha planted last season.
Other summer crops: Please note that only provisional national area planted figures of groundnuts, sorghum and dry beans for the current production season are being released today.
Sunflower seed: The preliminary area estimate for sunflower seed is 560 100 ha, which is 11,90% or 75 650 ha less than the 635 750 ha planted the previous season. As some producers have not yet finished plantings, mainly because of unfavourable weather conditions, rainfall within the next two weeks can still influence farmers' decisions to plant sunflower seed.
It is estimated that 701 000 ha have been planted to soybeans, which represents an increase of 22,14% or 127 050 ha compared to the 573 950 ha planted last season.
For groundnuts, the area estimate is 53 000 ha, which is 5,36% or 3 000 ha less than the 56 000 ha planted for the previous season.
The area estimate for sorghum decreased by 40,97%, from 42 350 ha to 25 000 ha against the previous season.
For dry beans, the area estimate is 52 000 ha, which is 15,43% or 6 950 ha more than the 45 050 ha planted for the previous season.
Please note that the revised area estimate and first production forecast for summer field crops for 2018 will be released on 27 February 2018.
Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.
Somergewasse – 2018
Die voorlopige oppervlakteskatting van vandag is hoofsaaklik gebaseer op die resultate van 'n nie-ewekansige opname onderneem deur die Direktoraat: Statistiek en Ekonomiese Analise van die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye. Minder gunstige reënvalneerslae en warm temperature in die westelike produserende gebiede die afgelope paar weke het produsente verhinder om hul beoogde oppervlakte met somergewasse aan te plant, veral in die Vrystaat en Noordwes provinsies.
Die hersiene aangeplante oppervlakte en produksiesyfers sal deur die Oesskattingskomitee op 27 Februarie 2018 vrygestel word en sal hoofsaaklik, gebaseer wees op inligting verkry vanaf die "PICES"-opname vir die Noord-Kaap, Vrystaat, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Gauteng en Noordwes provinsies.
Kommersiële mielies: Die voorlopige skatting van die oppervlakte onder mielies beloop 2,309 miljoen ha, wat 12,15% of 319 400 ha minder is as die 2,629 miljoen ha wat verlede seisoen aangeplant is, en ook 6,53% of 161 200 ha minder as die voornemens om te plant syfer van 2,470 miljoen ha soos vrygestel in Oktober 2017.
Die voorlopige oppervlak onder witmielies is 1,285 miljoen ha, wat 'n afname van 21,81% of 358 400 ha verteenwoordig vergeleke met die 1,643 miljoen ha die vorige seisoen. In die geval van geelmielies is die oppervlakteskatting 1,024 miljoen ha, wat 3,96% of 39 000 ha meer is as die 985 500 ha geplant die vorige seisoen.
Ander somergewasse: Let asseblief daarop dat net die nasionale aangeplante area vir die voorlopige oppervlakte van die grondbone, sorghum en droëbone vir die huidige produksieseisoen vandag vrygestel word.
Sonneblomsaad: Die voorlopige oppervlakteskatting vir sonneblomsaad is 560 100 ha, wat 11,90% of 75 650 ha minder is as die 635 750 ha aangeplant die vorige seisoen. Aangesien sommige produsente nog nie klaar geplant is nie, hoofsaaklik weens ongunstige weersomstandighede, kan reënval binne die volgende twee weke steeds produsente se besluite om sonneblomsaad te plant, beïnvloed.
Die geskatte oppervlakte beplant met sojabone is 701 000 ha, wat 'n toename van 22,14% of 127 050 ha verteenwoordig vergeleke met die 573 950 ha geplant die vorige seisoen.
Vir grondbone is die oppervlakteskatting 53 000 ha, wat 5,36% of 3 000 ha minder is as die 56 000 ha geplant vir die vorige seisoen.
Die oppervlakteskatting vir sorghum het afgeneem met 40,97%, van 42 350 ha tot 25 000 ha teenoor die vorige seisoen.
Vir droëbone is die geskatte oppervlakte beplant 52 000 ha, wat 15,43% of 6 950 ha meer is as die 45 050 ha geplant vir die vorige seisoen.
Neem asseblief kennis dat die hersiene oppervlakte- en eerste produksieskatting vir somergewasse vir 2018, op 27 Februarie 2018 vrygestel sal word.
Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.
Crop / Gewas | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Sixth forecast Sesde skatting |
Fifth forecast Vyfde skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
Change Verandering |
2017 | 2017 | 2017 | 2016 | 2016 | ||
Ha | Tons | Tons | Ha | Tons | % | |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (B) ÷ (C) | |
Commercial / Kommersieël | ||||||
Wheat / Koring | 491 600 | 1 475 450 | 1 475 450 | 508 365 | 1 910 000 | - |
Malting barley / Moutgars | 91 380 | 307 064 | 298 564 | 88 695 | 355 000 | +2.8 |
Canola | 84 000 | 93 468 | 92 400 | 68 075 | 105 000 | +1.2 |
Total / Totaal | 666 980 | 1 875 982 | 1 866 414 | 665 135 | 2 370 000 | +0.5 |
Note: Estimate is for calendar year, e.g. production season 2017/18 = 2017
Nota: Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, bv. produksie-seisoen 2017/18 = 2017
Province / Provinsie | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Sixth forecast Sesde skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
2017 | 2017 | 2016 | 2016 | |
Ha | Tons | Ha | Tons | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | 326 000 | 586 800 | 323 000 | 1 098 200 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 38 000 | 304 000 | 35 000 | 266 000 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 80 000 | 296 000 | 110 000 | 308 460 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | 1 900 | 9 500 | 2 200 | 11 000 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 7 500 | 42 750 | 6 500 | 37 050 |
Mpumalanga | 4 000 | 25 200 | 2 300 | 13 800 |
Limpopo | 20 000 | 126 000 | 17 000 | 103 700 |
Gauteng | 700 | 4 200 | 365 | 2 190 |
North West / Noordwes | 13 500 | 81 000 | 12 000 | 69 600 |
Total / Totaal | 491 600 | 1 475 450 | 508 365 | 1 910 000 |
Production 2018 Produksie
Production 2018 Produksie
Production 2018 Produksie
Winter crops / Wintergewasse
Area estimate and sixth production forecast of winter crops January 30 Januarie 2018 Oppervlakteskatting en sesde produksieskatting van wintergewasse
2017 production season
Wheat: The expected commercial production of wheat remained unchanged at 1,475 million tons, with an expected yield of 3,00 t/ha.
The area estimate for wheat is 491 600 ha.
Other crops: The production forecast for malting barley is 307 064 tons, which is 2,85% or 8 500 tons more than the previous forecast of 298 564 tons. The area planted is estimated at 91 380 ha, while the expected yield is 3,36 t/ha.
The expected canola crop was adjusted slightly upwards by 1,16% or 1 068 tons to 93 468 tons. The area estimate for canola is 84 000 ha, with an expected yield of 1,11 t/ha.
Please note that the final production estimate for winter cereals for 2017 will be released on 27 February 2018.
Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.
2017 produksieseisoen
Koring: Die verwagte kommersiële produksie vir koring is onveranderd gelaat op 1,475 miljoen ton, met 'n verwagte opbrengs van 3,00 t/ha.
Die oppervlakteskatting vir koring is 491 600 ha.
Ander gewasse: Die produksieskatting vir moutgars is 307 064 ton, wat 2,85% of 8 500 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 298 564 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant is beraam op 91 380 ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 3,36 t/ha beloop.
Die verwagte canola-oes is effens opwaarts aangepas met 1,16% of 1 068 ton na 93 468 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting vir kanola is 84 000 ha, met ʼn verwagte opbrengs van 1,11 t/ha.
Neem asseblief kennis dat die finale produksieskatting vir wintergewasse vir 2017 op 27 Februarie 2018 vrygestel sal word.
Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.
CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUES that CEC members are committed to adhere to on the day of the meeting
- Personal items such as laptops, handbags, cell phones, etc. are not allowed in the venue during the meeting.
- No member is allowed to leave the meeting before 12:00 in order to prevent disclosure of the information.
- The embargo time for the release of crop estimates information is 15:30.
- No member is allowed to discuss crop estimates information with anyone other than a member of the Committee before the embargo time.
- Only the Chairperson, or a member appointed by the Chairperson, may release the figures to the media.
- Members must regard the detail of any information that was collected for and/or discussed during the meeting, as confidential.
- Individual information received for crop estimate purposes is treated strictly confidential, and is not divulged for any other purposes.