Intentions to plant 2019 summer crops. Revised area planted and third production forecast for winter cereals.
Voorneme om 2019 somergewasse te plant. Hersiene oppervlakte- en derde produksieskatting vir wintergewasse.
Summer crops
Winter cereals
- Winter cereals / Wintergewasse
- Graph: Wheat Western Cape / Grafiek: Wes-Kaap Koring
- Graph: Wheat Northern Cape / Grafiek: Noord-Kaap Koring
- Graph: Wheat Free State / Grafiek: Vrystaat Koring
- Wheat / Koring
- Notes / Aantekeninge

Syfers deur die Oesskattingskomitee verskaf
Crop / Gewas | Intentions Voorneme |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate Finale skatting |
Change Verandering |
2019 as mid October 2018 soos middel-Oktober 2018 |
2018 | 2018 as on 26 September 2018 soos op 26 September 2018 |
Ha | Ha | Tons | % | |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (A) ÷ (B) | |
Commercial / Kommersieël | ||||
White maize / Witmielies | 1 373 400 | 1 268 100 | 6 801 560 | +8.30 |
Yellow maize / Geelmielies | 1 075 000 | 1 050 750 | 6 129 650 | +2.31 |
Total Maize / Totale Mielies | 2 448 400 | 2 318 850 | 12 931 210 | +5.59 |
Sunflower seed / Sonneblomsaad | 575 000 | 601 500 | 858 605 | -4.41 |
Soybeans / Sojabone | 851 800 | 787 200 | 1 550 800 | +8.21 |
Groundnuts / Grondbone | 50 000 | 56 300 | 53 750 | -11.19 |
Sorghum | 43 000 | 28 800 | 109 855 | +49.31 |
Dry beans / Droëbone | 60 000 | 53 360 | 69 360 | +12.44 |
Total / Totaal | 4 028 200 | 3 846 010 | 15 573 580 | +4.74 |
Note: Estimate is for calendar year, for example production season 2019/19 = 2019
Nota: Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, byvoorbeeld produksie-seisoen 2019/19 = 2019
Area planted 2009-2019 Oppervlakte beplant
Area planted 2009-2019 Oppervlakte beplant
Area planted 2009-2019 Oppervlakte beplant
Intentions (area planted) / Oppervlakte beplant | Area planted / Oppervlakte beplant | Final estimate ¹ / Finale skatting ¹ | ||||||
2019 | 2018 | 2018 | ||||||
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
White Wit |
Yellow Geel |
Total Totaal |
Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Ha | Tons | Tons | Tons |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | ||||||||
400 | 3 000 | 3 400 | 0 | 3 750 | 3 750 | 0 | 33 750 | 33 750 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | ||||||||
3 500 | 44 000 | 47 500 | 3 600 | 43 000 | 46 600 | 41 760 | 636 400 | 678 160 |
Free State / Vrystaat | ||||||||
715 000 | 430 000 | 1 145 000 | 644 000 | 410 000 | 1 054 000 | 3 477 600 | 2 009 000 | 5 486 600 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | ||||||||
3 500 | 10 000 | 13 500 | 3 500 | 11 000 | 14 500 | 21 700 | 71 500 | 93 200 |
KwaZulu-Natal | ||||||||
45 000 | 53 000 | 98 000 | 45 000 | 50 000 | 95 000 | 301 500 | 380 000 | 681 500 |
Mpumalanga | ||||||||
140 000 | 346 000 | 486 000 | 140 000 | 340 000 | 480 000 | 480 000 | 2 040 000 | 2 880 000 |
Limpopo | ||||||||
9 000 | 16 000 | 25 000 | 12 000 | 21 000 | 33 000 | 90 000 | 147 000 | 237 000 |
Gauteng | ||||||||
47 000 | 58 000 | 105 000 | 50 000 | 62 000 | 112 000 | 290 000 | 372 000 | 662 000 |
North West / Noordwes | ||||||||
410 000 | 115 000 | 525 000 | 370 000 | 110 000 | 480 000 | 1 739 000 | 440 000 | 2 179 000 |
Total / Totaal | ||||||||
1 373 400 | 1 075 000 | 2 448 400 | 1 268 100 | 1 050 750 | 2 318 850 | 6 801 560 | 6 129 650 | 12 931 210 |
¹ 26 September 2018
Province / Provinsie | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate ¹ Finale skatting ¹ |
Ha | Ha | Tons | |
2019 | 2018 | 2018 | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | – | 100 | 100 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 500 | 1 600 | 1 920 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 290 000 | 314 000 | 486 700 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | – | – | – |
KwaZulu-Natal | – | – | – |
Mpumalanga | 1 000 | 2 300 | 2 185 |
Limpopo | 80 000 | 45 000 | 36 000 |
Gauteng | 3 500 | 5 500 | 5 500 |
North West / Noordwes | 200 000 | 233 000 | 326 200 |
Total / Totaal | 575 000 | 601 500 | 858 605 |
¹ 26 September 2018
Province / Provinsie | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final estimate ¹ Finale skatting ¹ |
Ha | Ha | Tons | |
2019 | 2018 | 2018 | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | 400 | 800 | 1 200 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 3 000 | 3 000 | 10 500 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 400 000 | 345 000 | 552 000 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | 2 400 | 2 400 | 2 400 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 38 000 | 40 000 | 124 000 |
Mpumalanga | 320 000 | 310 000 | 682 000 |
Limpopo | 20 000 | 20 000 | 56 000 |
Gauteng | 28 000 | 30 000 | 61 500 |
North West / Noordwes | 40 000 | 36 000 | 61 200 |
Total / Totaal | 851 800 | 787 200 | 1 550 800 |
¹ 26 September 2018
Summer crops / Somergewasse
Intentions to plant (2019) / Voorneme om te plant (2019)
Producers intentions to plant summer crops are based on the results of a non-probability survey conducted by the Directorate: Statistics and Economic Analysis of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and reflects the position as at the middle of October 2018.
According to the results of the survey, commercial producers intend to plant 2,448 million ha of maize for 2019, which is 5,6% or 129 550 ha more than the 2,319 million ha planted last season.
The figures show that producers intend to plant 1,373 million ha to white maize, which is 105 300 ha (8,3%) more than in the previous season. In the case of yellow maize, the expected plantings are 1,075 million ha, which is 24 250 ha (2,3%) more than in the previous season.
Producers indicated that more maize, especially white maize, will be planted for the 2019 season, mainly because of crop rotation practices.
In the case of sunflower seed, the expected area planted is estimated at 575 000 ha, which is 4,4% or 26 500 ha less than the 601 500 ha planted last season.
The intended plantings of soybeans shows an increase of 8,2% or 64 600 ha compared to the previous season – from 787 200 ha to 851 800 ha.
The expected plantings of groundnuts will decrease by 11,2% or 6 300 ha, from 56 300 ha to 50 000 ha.
The intended plantings of sorghum is expected to increase by 49,3% or 14 200 ha to 43 000 ha, compared to the previous season.
The expected plantings of dry beans is estimated at 60 000 ha, which is 12,4% or 6 640 ha more than in the previous season.
Please note that the preliminary area planted estimate for summer grains for 2019 will be released on 29 January 2019.
Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.
Produsente se voorneme om somergewasse te plant is gebaseer op die resultate van 'n nie-ewekansige opname onderneem deur die Direktoraat: Statistiek en Ekonomiese Analise van die Departement van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye en weerspieël die situasie teen die middel van Oktober 2018.
Volgens die resultate van die opname, is kommersiële produsente van voorneme om 2,448 miljoen ha mielies vir 2019 te plant, wat 5,6% of 129 550 ha meer is as die 2,319 miljoen ha aangeplant verlede seisoen.
Die syfers toon dat produsente van voorneme is om 1,373 miljoen ha witmielies aan te plant, wat 105 300 ha (8,3%) meer is as in die vorige seisoen. In die geval met geelmielies is die verwagte aanplantings 1,075 miljoen ha, wat 24 250 ha (2,3%) meer is as in die vorige seisoen.
Produsente het aangedui dat meer mielies, veral witmielies, aangeplant sal word vir die 2019-seisoen, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van wisselboupraktyke.
In die geval van sonneblomsaad word die verwagte aanplantings beraam op 575 000 ha, wat 4,4% of 26 500 ha minder is as die 601 500 ha aangeplant verlede seisoen.
Die voorgenome sojaboon-aanplantings toon 'n toename van 8,2% of 64 600 ha, in vergelyking met die vorige seisoen – vanaf 787 200 ha tot 851 800 ha.
Die verwagte aanplantings van grondbone gaan afneem met 11,2% of 6 300 ha, van 56 300 ha tot 50 000 ha.
Die voorgenome aanplantings van sorghum sal na verwagting toeneem met 49,3% of 14 200 ha na 43 000 ha, in vergelyking met die vorige seisoen.
Die verwagte aanplantings van droëbone word beraam op 60 000 ha, wat 12,4% of 6 640 ha meer is as in die vorige seisoen.
Neem asseblief kennis dat die voorlopige oppervlakteskatting vir somergewasse vir 2019 op 29 Januarie 2019 vrygestel sal word.
Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.
Crop / Gewas | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Third forecast Derde skatting |
Second forecast Tweede skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
Change / Verandering |
2018 | 2018 | 2018 | 2017 | 2017 | ||
Ha | Tons | Tons | Ha | Tons | % | |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (B) ÷ (C) | |
Wheat / Koring | 508 350 | 1 862 400 | 1 845 100 | 491 600 | 1 535 000 | +0.94 |
Malting barley / Moutgars | 119 000 | 396 340 | 390 840 | 91 380 | 307 000 | +1.41 |
Canola | 77 000 | 115 500 | 111 650 | 84 000 | 93 500 | +3.45 |
Note: Estimate is for calendar year, for example production season 2018/19 = 2019
Nota: Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, byvoorbeeld produksie-seisoen 2018/19 = 2019
Production 2008-2018 Produksie
Production 2008-2018 Produksie
Production 2008-2018 Produksie
Province / Provinsie | Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Third forecast Derde skatting |
Area planted Oppervlakte beplant |
Final crop Finale oes |
2018 | 2018 | 2017 | 2017 | |
Ha | Tons | Ha | Tons | |
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap | 318 000 | 906 300 | 326 000 | 586 800 |
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap | 38 000 | 294 500 | 38 000 | 311 650 |
Free State / Vrystaat | 100 000 | 365 000 | 80 000 | 336 000 |
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap | 1 650 | 10 725 | 1 900 | 9 500 |
KwaZulu-Natal | 7 000 | 43 400 | 7 500 | 45 750 |
Mpumalanga | 3 500 | 21 875 | 4 000 | 25 400 |
Limpopo | 20 000 | 126 000 | 20 000 | 132 000 |
Gauteng | 1 200 | 7 800 | 700 | 4 200 |
North West / Noordwes | 14 000 | 86 800 | 13 500 | 83 700 |
Total / Totaal | 508 350 | 1 862 400 | 491 600 | 1 535 000 |
Winter crops / Wintergewasse
Revised area estimate and third production forecast of winter crops for (2018) / Hersiene oppervlakte- en derde produksieskatting van wintergewasse (2018)
Winter cereal crops – 2018 production season
The expected commercial production of wheat is 1,862 million tons, which is 0,94% or 17 300 tons more than the previous forecast of 1,845 million tons, whilst the expected yield is 3,70 t/ha.
The expected production in the Western Cape is 906 300 tons (49%), in the Free State 365 000 tons (20%) and in the Northern Cape 294 500 tons (16%).
The area estimate for wheat was revised to 503 350 ha, which is 5 000 ha lower than the 508 350 ha of the previous forecast. An estimated 318 000 ha or 63% is planted in the Western Cape, 100 000 ha or 20% in the Free State and 38 000 ha or 8% in the Northern Cape.
Other crops
The production forecast for malting barley is 396 340 tons, which is 1,41% or 5 500 tons more than the previous forecast of 390 840 tons. The area planted is estimated at 119 000 ha, while the expected yield is 3,33 t/ha.
The expected canola crop is 115 500 tons, which is 3,45% or 3 850 tons more than the previous forecast of 111 650 tons. The area estimate for canola is 77 000 ha and the expected yield is 1,50 t/ha.
Please note that the fourth production forecast for winter cereals for 2018 will be released on 27 November 2018.
Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 15:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.
Wintergewasse – 2018 produksieseisoen
Die verwagte kommersiële produksie vir koring is 1,862 miljoen ton, wat 0,94% of 17 300 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 1,845 miljoen ton, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 3,70 t/ha is.
Die verwagte produksie in die Wes-Kaap is 906 300 ton (49%), in die Vrystaat 365 000 ton (20%) en in die Noord-Kaap 294 500 ton (16%).
Die oppervlakteskatting vir koring is hersien na 503 350 ha, wat 5 000 ha minder is as die 508 350 ha teenoor die vorige skatting. Die beraamde oppervlakte geplant in die Wes-Kaap is 318 000 ha of 63%, die Vrystaat is 100 000 ha of 20% en 38 000 ha of 8% is in die Noord-Kaap.
Ander gewasse
Die produksieskatting vir moutgars is 396 340 ton, wat 1,41% of 5 500 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 390 840 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant word beraam op 119 000 ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 3,33 t/ha beloop.
Die verwagte canola-oes is 115 500 ton, wat 3,45% of 3 850 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 111 650 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting vir canola is 77 000 ha en die verwagte opbrengs is 1,50 t/ha.
Neem asseblief kennis dat die vierde produksieskatting vir wintergewasse vir 2018 op 27 November 2018 vrygestel sal word.
Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 15:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.
CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUES that CEC members are committed to adhere to on the day of the meeting
- Personal items such as laptops, handbags, cell phones, etc. are not allowed in the venue during the meeting.
- No member is allowed to leave the meeting before 12:00 in order to prevent disclosure of the information.
- The embargo time for the release of crop estimates information is 15:30.
- No member is allowed to discuss crop estimates information with anyone other than a member of the Committee before the embargo time.
- Only the Chairperson, or a member appointed by the Chairperson, may release the figures to the media.
- Members must regard the detail of any information that was collected for and/or discussed during the meeting, as confidential.
- Individual information received for crop estimate purposes is treated strictly confidential, and is not divulged for any other purposes.