Summer crops: final production estimate for 2020, production estimate for non-commercial maize and fourth production forecast for winter cereals (2020)
Somergewasse: finale produksieskatting vir 2020, voorlopige oppervlakte- en produksieskatting vir nie-kommersiële mielies en vierde produksieskatting vir wintergewasse (2020)

Summer crops / Somergewasse
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Crop / Gewas Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Ninth forecast
Negende skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
2020 2020 2020 2019 2019
Ha Tons Tons Ha Tons %
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (B) ÷ (C)
Commercial / Kommersieël
  White maize / Witmielies 1 616 300 8 666 310 8 746 310 1 298 400 5 545 000 -0.91
  Yellow maize / Geelmielies 994 500 6 741 870 6 673 910 1 002 100 5 730 000 +1.02
Total Maize / Totale Mielies 2 610 800 15 408 180 15 420 220 2 300 500 11 275 000 -0.08
Sunflower seed / Sonneblomsaad 500 300 785 910 785 910 515 350 678 000
Soybeans / Sojabone 705 000 1 245 500 1 261 250 730 500 1 170 345 -1.25
Groundnuts / Grondbone 37 500 50 080 50 080 20 050 19 400
Sorghum 42 500 155 560 153 935 50 500 127 000 +1.06
Dry beans / Droëbone 50 150 64 800 64 800 59 300 66 355
Non-commercial maize / Nie-kommersiële mielies
Total maize / Totaal mielies 297 460 543 545 543 545 296 000 549 180
Maize: Commercial + Non-commercial maize / Mielies: Kommersieël + Nie-kommersiële mielies
Total maize RSA Totaal mielies 2 908 260 15 951 725 15 963 765 2 596 500 11 824 180 -0.08

Note:  Estimate is for calendar year, for example production season 2019/2020 = 2020
Nota:  Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, byvoorbeeld produksie-seisoen 2019/2020 = 2020

White maize / Witmielies
Production   Feb-Nov 2020   Produksie
White maize production: 2010-2020 graph
Yellow maize / Geelmielies
Production   Feb-Nov 2020   Produksie
Yellow maize production: 2010-2020 graph
Soybeans / Sojabone
Production   Feb-Nov 2020   Produksie
Soybean production: 2010-2020 graph
White and Yellow maize / Wit- en Geelmielies
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
2020 2020 2019 2019
Ha Tons Ha Tons
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap
400 3 400 3 800 3 600 30 600 34 200 400 3 400 3 800 3 600 30 600 34 200
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap
3 400 43 100 46 500 40 460 633 570 674 030 3 400 43 500 46 900 39 500 630 750 670 250
Free State / Vrystaat
855 000 365 000 1 220 000 4 745 250 2 171 750 6 953 500 650 000 380 000 1 030 000 2 795 000 1 758 000 4 553 000
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap
5 500 17 000 22 500 35 750 119 000 154 750 3 800 10 200 14 000 23 000 69 750 92 750
47 000 55 000 102 000 305 500 434 500 740 000 45 000 54 000 99 000 270 000 399 600 669 600
160 000 353 000 513 000 872 000 2 347 450 3 219 450 145 000 338 000 483 000 797 500 1 977 300 2 774 800
15 000 18 000 33 000 105 000 126 000 231 000 12 800 18 000 30 800 83 200 117 000 200 200
55 000 50 000 105 000 302 500 325 000 627 500 48 000 60 000 108 000 259 200 348 000 607 200
North West / Noordwes
475 000 90 000 565 000 2 256 250 517 500 2 773 750 390 000 95 000 485 000 1 274 000 399 000 1 673 000
Total / Totaal
1 616 300 994 500 2 610 800 8 666 310 6 741 870 15 408 180 1 298 400 1 002 100 2 300 500 5 545 000 5 730 000 11 275 000
Sunflower seed / Sonneblomsaad
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Ha Tons Ha Tons
2020 2020 2019 2019
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap 1 200 1 440 950 1 140
Free State / Vrystaat 260 000 442 000 270 000 391 500
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap 300 750 100 260
Mpumalanga 2 800 3 920 4 500 4 500
Limpopo 65 000 65 000 61 000 61 000
Gauteng 4 000 5 600 3 800 3 800
North West / Noordwes 167 000 267 200 175 000 215 800
Total / Totaal 500 300 785 910 515 350 678 000
Soybeans / Sojabone
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Ha Tons Ha Tons
2020 2020 2019 2019
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap 100 10
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap 2 000 7 000 1 550 5 425
Free State / Vrystaat 315 000 519 750 301 000 391 300
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap 1 500 3 000 1 150 1 380
KwaZulu-Natal 35 000 101 500 33 000 99 000
Mpumalanga 260 000 416 000 310 000 511 500
Limpopo 15 500 48 050 16 200 46 980
Gauteng 36 000 70 200 31 500 66 150
North West / Noordwes 40 000 80 000 36 000 48 600
Total / Totaal 705 000 1 245 500 730 500 1 170 345
Groundnuts / Grondbone
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Ha Tons Ha Tons
2020 2020 2019 2019
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap 1 200 2 580 1 200 2 520
Free State / Vrystaat 11 000 15 400 8 000 9 775
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap
Limpopo 2 900 5 220 1 850 3 530
North West / Noordwes 22 400 26 880 9 000 3 575
Total / Totaal 37 500 50 080 20 050 19 400
Dry beans / Droëbone
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Ha Tons Ha Tons
2020 2020 2019 2019
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap 100 150 100 180
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap 350 700 1 000 1 400
Free State / Vrystaat 24 000 30 000 27 000 28 350
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap 200 300 400 720
KwaZulu-Natal 2 900 3 480 3 500 4 025
Mpumalanga 6 600 8 250 7 500 6 750
Limpopo 8 400 13 440 7 800 12 480
Gauteng 600 780 1 500 1 950
North West / Noordwes 7 000 7 700 10 500 10 500
Total / Totaal 50 150 64 800 59 300 66 355
Area planted and final production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final estimate
Finale skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Ha Tons Ha Tons
2020 2020 2019 2019
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap
Free State / Vrystaat 8 000 34 400 8 000 23 600
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap
KwaZulu-Natal 1 200 4 200 500 1 500
Mpumalanga 8 500 45 900 7 500 36 000
Limpopo 16 000 40 800 25 000 46 125
Gauteng 300 960 1 000 3 200
North West / Noordwes 8 500 28 900 8 500 16 575
Total / Totaal 42 500 155 560 50 500 127 000

Summer crops / Somergewasse
Area estimate and final production estimate (2020) Oppervlakte- en finale produksieskatting

Summer field crops – 2020

Commercial maize: The size of the expected commercial maize crop has been set at 15,408 million tons, which is 0,08% or 12 040 tons less than the previous forecast of 15,420 million tons. The area estimate for maize is 2,611 million ha, while the expected yield is 5,90 t/ha.

The estimated maize crop is 37% bigger than the 2019 crop. The three main maize producing areas, namely the Free State, Mpumalanga and North West pro­vinces are expected to produce 84% of the 2020 crop.

The area estimate for white maize is 1,616 million ha and for yellow maize the area estimate is 994 500 ha.

The production forecast of white maize is 8,666 million tons, which is 0,91% or 80 000 tons less than the 8,746 million tons of the previous forecast. The yield for white maize is 5,36 t/ha. The production forecast of yellow maize is 6,742 million tons, which is 1,02% or 67 960 tons more than the 6,674 million tons of the previous forecast. The yield for yellow maize is 6,78 t/ha.

Sunflower seed: The production forecast for sunflower seed remained unchanged at 785 910 tons. The area estimate for sunflower seed is 500 300 ha, while the expected yield is 1,57 t/ha.

Other crops

The production forecast for soybeans is 1,246 million tons, which is 1,25% or 15 750 tons less than the 1,261 million tons of the previous forecast. The estimated area planted to soybeans is 705 000 ha and the expected yield is 1,77 t/ha.

The expected groundnut crop remained unchanged at 50 080 tons. The area estimate is 37 500 ha, with an expected yield of 1,34 t/ha.

The production forecast for sorghum is 155 560 tons, which is 1,06% or 1 625 tons more than the 153 935 tons of the previous forecast. The area estimate for sorghum is 42 500 ha and the expected yield is 3,66 t/ha.

In the case of dry beans, the production forecast remained unchanged at 64 800 tons. The area estimate of dry beans is 50 150 ha, with an expected yield of 1,29 t/ha.

Please note that the preliminary area estimate for summer field crops for 2021 will be released on 28 January 2021.

Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.

Somergewasse – 2020

Kommersiële mielies: Die grootte van die verwagte kommersiële mielie-oes is op 15,408 miljoen ton gestel, wat 0,08% of 12 040 ton minder is as die vorige skatting van 15,420 miljoen ton. Die skatting van die oppervlakte onder mielies is 2,611 miljoen ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 5,90 t/ha is.

Die geskatte mielie-oes is 37% groter as die 2019-oes. Die drie belangrikste mielieproduserende gebiede, naamlik die Vrystaat, Mpumalanga en Noordwes provinsies, gaan na verwagting 84% van die 2020-oes produseer.

Die oppervlak onder witmielies is 1,616 miljoen ha en vir geelmielies is die oppervlak 994 500 ha.

Die produksieskatting van witmielies is 8,666 miljoen ton, wat 0,91% of 80 000 ton minder is as die 8,746 miljoen ton van die vorige skatting. Die opbrengs van witmielies is 5,36 t/ha. Die produksieskatting van geelmielies is 6,742 miljoen ton, wat 1,02% of 67 960 ton meer as die 6,674 miljoen ton van die vorige skatting. Die opbrengs van geelmielies is 6,78 t/ha.

Sonneblomsaad: Die produksieskatting vir sonne­blomsaad is onveranderd gelaat op 785 910 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting vir sonneblomsaad is 500 300 ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 1,57 t/ha is.

Ander gewasse

Die produksieskatting van sojabone is 1,246 miljoen ton, wat 1,25% of 15 750 ton minder is as die 1,261 miljoen ton van die vorige skatting. Die geskatte oppervlakte beplant van sojabone is 705 000 ha en die verwagte opbrengs is 1,77 t/ha.

Die verwagte grondbone-oes is onveranderd gelaat op 50 080 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting is 37 500 ha, terwyl the verwagte opbrengs 1,34 t/ha is.

Die produksieskatting van sorghum is 155 560 ton, wat 1,06% of 1 625 ton meer is as die 153 935 ton van die vorige skatting. Die oppervlakteskatting vir sorghum is 42 500 ha, en die verwagte opbrengs is 3,66 t/ha.

In die geval van droëbone is die produksieskatting onveranderd gelaat op 64 800 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant met droëbone is 50 150 ha, en die verwagte opbrengs is 1,29 t/ha.

Neem asseblief kennis dat die voorlopige opper­vlak­teskatting vir somergewasse vir 2021, op 28 Januarie 2021 vrygestel sal word.

Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.

Non-commercial maize / Nie-kommersiële mielies
Area planted and production estimate  2020  Oppervlakte- en produksieskatting
Crop / Gewas Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Change / Verandering
2020 2020 2019 2019
Ha Tons Ha Tons %
(A) (B) (C) (D) (B) ÷ (D)
Non-commercial agriculture / Nie-kommersiële landbou
  White maize / Witmielies 221 945 375 295 221 300 379 460 -1.10
  Yellow maize / Geelmielies 75 515 168 250 74 700 169 720 -0.87
Maize / mielies 297 460 543 545 296 000 549 180 -1.03

The preliminary area planted to maize in the non-commercial agricultural sector is estimated at 297 460 ha, which represents a slight increase of 0,49%, compared to the 296 000 ha of the previous season. The expected maize crop for this sector is 543 545 tons, which is 1,03% less than the 549 180 tons of last season. It is important to note that about 40% of the maize produced in the non-commercial sector, is planted in the Eastern Cape, followed by KwaZulu-Natal with 27%.

Die voorlopige oppervlakte beplant met mielies in die nie-kommersiële landbou-sektor word geskat op 297 460 ha, wat 'n effense toename van 0,49 % verteenwoordig in vergelyking met die 296 000 ha van die vorige seisoen. Die verwagte mielie-oes van dié sektor is 543 545 ton, wat 1,03% minder is as die 549 180 ton van die vorige seisoen. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat ongeveer 40% van die mielies wat geproduseer word in die nie-kommersiële sektor, in die Oos-Kaap geplant word, gevolg deur KwaZulu-Natal met 27%.

Non-commercial maize / Nie-kommersiële mielies
Area   2000-2020   Oppervlakte
Graph of non-commercial maize area (2000-2020)
Non-commercial maize / Nie-kommersiële mielies
Production   2000-2020   Produksie
Non-commercial maize production (2000-2020) graph
Winter cereals / Wintergewasse
Area planted and fourth production forecast  2020  Oppervlakte- en vierde produksieskatting
Crop / Gewas Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Fourth forecast
Vierde skatting
Third forecast
Derde skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
Change / Verandering
2020 2020 2020 2019 2019
Ha Tons Tons Ha Tons %
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (B) ÷ (C)
Commercial / Kommersieël
Wheat / Koring 509 800 2 149 270 2 134 990 540 000 1 535 000 +0.67
Malting barley / Moutgars 141 690 552 766 526 706 131 960 345 000 +4.95
Canola 74 120 148 456 137 356 74 000 95 000 +8.08
Cereal oats / Hawermout 26 200 47 400 47 400 21 000 16 500

Note:  Estimate is for calendar year, for example production season 2020/2021 = 2020
Nota:  Skatting is vir kalenderjaar, byvoorbeeld produksie-seisoen 2020/2021 = 2020

Wheat / Koring
Area planted and fourth production forecast  2020  Oppervlakte- en vierde produksieskatting
Province / Provinsie Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Fourth forecast
Vierde skatting
Area planted
Oppervlakte beplant
Final crop
Finale oes
2020 2020 2019 2019
Ha Tons Ha Tons
Western Cape / Wes-Kaap 326 000 1 108 400 325 000 650 000
Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap 37 000 275 650 37 500 262 500
Free State / Vrystaat 94 000 432 400 128 000 326 000
Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap 4 000 26 000 3 100 18 150
KwaZulu-Natal 7 800 48 360 7 500 45 750
Mpumalanga 3 000 19 500 4 000 25 200
Limpopo 23 000 147 200 20 000 120 000
Gauteng 1 300 8 190 1 400 8 400
North West / Noordwes 13 700 83 570 13 500 79 000
Total / Totaal 509 800 2 149 270 540 000 1 535 000
Wheat: Western Cape / Koring: Wes-Kaap
Area and production   2010-2020   Oppervlakte en produksie
Wheat area and production: Western Cape 2010-2020 graph
Wheat: Free State / Koring: Vrystaat
Area and production   2010-2020   Oppervlakte en produksie
Wheat area and production: Free State 2010-2020 graph
Wheat: Northern Cape / Koring: Noord-Kaap
Area and production   2010-2020   Oppervlakte en produksie
Wheat area and production: Northern Cape 2010-2020 graph
Canola: Western Cape / Wes-Kaap
Area and production   2010-2020   Oppervlakte en produksie
Canola area and production: Western Cape 2010-2020 graph

Winter cereal crops / Wintergewasse
Area estimate and fourth production forecast for 2020 / Oppervlakte- en vierde produksieskatting vir 2020

Winter cereal crops – 2020


The expected production of wheat is 2,149 million tons, which is 0,67% or 14 280 tons more than the previous forecast of 2,135 million tons, whilst the expected yield is 4,22 t/ha. This is the largest expected wheat crop since the 2,427 million tons of the 2002 season.

The expected production in the Western Cape is 1,108 million tons (52%), in the Free State 432 400 tons (20%) and in the Northern Cape 275 650 tons (13%).

Other crops

The production forecast for malting barley is 552 766 tons, which is 4,95% or 26 060 tons more than the previous forecast of 526 706 tons. The area planted is estimated at 141 690 ha, while the expected yield is 3,90 t/ha. This is the largest expected malting barley crop recorded for SA.

The expected canola crop is 148 456 tons, which is 8,08% or 11 100 tons more than the previous forecast of 137 356 tons. The area estimate for canola is 74 120 ha, with an expected yield of 2,00 t/ha. It is also the largest expected canola crop ever recorded for SA.

The expected oats (cereals) crop for 2020 remained unchanged at 47 400 tons. The area estimate is 26 200 ha and the expected yield is 1,81 t/ha.

Please note that the fifth production forecast for winter cereals for 2020 will be released on 18 De­cem­ber 2020.

Information is available on the internet at:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development or:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, as from 14:30 on the date of the relevant meeting of the Crop Estimates Committee.

Wintergewasse – 2020


Die verwagte produksie vir koring is 2,149 miljoen ton, wat 0,67% of 14 280 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 2,135 miljoen ton, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 4,22 t/ha is. Hierdie is die grootste verwagte koring-oes sedert die 2,427 miljoen ton van die 2002 seisoen.

Die verwagte produksie in die Wes-Kaap is 1,108 mil­joen ton (52%), in die Vrystaat 432 400 ton (20%) en in die Noord-Kaap 275 650 ton (13%).

Ander gewasse

Die produksieskatting vir moutgars is 552 766 ton, wat 4,95% of 26 060 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 526 706 ton. Die oppervlakte beplant word beraam op 141 690 ha, terwyl die verwagte opbrengs 3,90 t/ha beloop. Dit is die grootste verwagte moutgars-oes wat nog vir SA aangeteken is.

Die verwagte canola-oes is 148 456 ton, wat 8,08% of 11 100 ton meer is as die vorige skatting van 137 356 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting vir canola is 74 120 ha, met 'n verwagte opbrengs van 2,00 t/ha. Dit is ook die grootste verwagte canola-oes wat nog aangeteken is vir SA.

Die verwagte hawer-oes (ontbytgraan) vir die 2020-seisoen is onveranderd gelaat op 47 400 ton. Die oppervlakteskatting is 26 200 ha en die verwagte opbrengs is 1,81 t/ha.

Neem asseblief kennis dat die vyfde produksie­skatting vir wintergewasse vir 2020 op 18 Desember 2020 vrygestel sal word.

Inligting is beskikbaar op die internet by:
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development" target="_blank">Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development of by:
SAGIS/" target="_blank">SAGIS, vanaf 14:30 op die dag van die toepaslike vergadering van die Oesskattingskomitee.

CONFIDENTIALITY ISSUES that CEC members are committed to adhere to on the day of the meeting

  • Personal items such as laptops, handbags, cell phones, etc. are not allowed in the venue during the meeting.
  • No member is allowed to leave the meeting before 12:00 in order to prevent disclosure of the information.
  • The embargo time for the release of crop estimates information is 15:30.
  • No member is allowed to discuss crop estimates information with anyone other than a member of the Committee before the embargo time.
  • Only the Chairperson, or a member appointed by the Chairperson, may release the figures to the media.
  • Members must regard the detail of any information that was collected for and/or discussed during the meeting, as confidential.
  • Individual information received for crop estimate purposes is treated strictly confidential, and is not divulged for any other purposes.